Chapter 17: Nothing's ever peaceful.

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Wade's P.O.V.

I never really thought about how this was going to end up, but Alex and I feel strangely at peace. I almost completely forgot about my original mission; to kill her.

Never gonna happen.

The past day consisted of us making Alex's new hideout more comfortable, pulling off plastic covers off of the furniture and moving it around. Neither of us talked, but that was perfectly fine. But I kept stealing glances at her, causing her to blush. It's kind of funny when you see someone as fierce and badass as Alex, then you see them do something extremely adorable like blush, and you don't even know what life means anymore.

The night came quicker than either of us thought, and the next thing you knew, I was laying on the couch with her cuddling next to me. Her arms wrapped around my torso, as mine wrapped around her waist, and then she fell asleep.

I wanted to sleep. I really did, but there was something so peacefully content about just watching her sleep.

I guess we've become one of those cliche online stories that compare themselves to Edward Cullen.
True, but I get why he did it now.
Don't forget why you needed to get close to her in the first place.
I'm NOT going to kill her. 
I didn't say that.
Well, you're very bad at insinuating things.
I get that, now back to the main plot here, Wade. FOCUS!
Right, sorry. So, what were you trying to say?
Remember the people who hired you, don't forget the threat they made.
I doubt that they'd go through with it, especially since they'd actually have to fight me.
just remember it. Prepare for anything.
When did you get smart?
*sigh* You'll never be serious about anything. Have fun in limbo.

A whirring sound gets caught in my ears, gaining my attention from my gaze at Alex. The sound got nearer and nearer before I finally decide to wake Alex up. I shake my arm at her side until her eyes open into a squinty glare, pointed at me.

"What the hell Wade, I was actually sleeping!" She curses, but I don't reply. I sit her up on the couch before I get up to retrieve my mask from the table, and put it over my head.
"What's wrong?" Alex asks uneasily, suddenly noticing the noise getting closer.
"I think someone's coming." I pull out my twin Sig Sauer pistols from my belt pouches which were resting on the chair in the corner of the room.
"Damnit, Jake!" She cries as she grabs her scarf, a benelli black eagle, and her throwing knives from the end of the hall.

The whirring noise came closer until it sounded like it was right outside.

Alex and I readied ourselves, standing on either side of the door, with an eye on the back entrance as well; just in case.

Just as we expected, the front and back doors came crashing down. Alex and I each faced a door, ready to attack our foes.

Our first mistake: Thinking we were ready.
Our second mistake:Thinking we knew who was coming.
Our third mistake: Assuming we could take them down.
Never, will I assume anything ever again.
It took you this long to figure it out?

Large amounts of people came in, men and women. Except, they weren't cops. I recognize them as my employers. The people who want Alex dead. The people who hired me to kill them.
Dozens of them surround us, thinking this would be easy. They thought wrong.

I take a step back, till my back is pressed against Alex's. The sensation of her fighting beside me makes me feel comfortable, despite the situation at hand.

"Let's do this." Alex whispers, then all hell breaks loose. Except Alex and I are not the cause of it. None of the people surrounding us even moved. It took one blast of an electric laser, and Alex and I are on the ground like rag-dolls. Alex fell unconscious, but probably and unfortunately I'm conscious due to my healing factor.

"The assassin and the mercenary," A deep, stuffy voice starts off, " What a love story." The voice laughs, a deep and annoying laugh.

Ugh, is it that guy?
What was his name again?
Who cares.

"Yeah, like anybody would read that." I laugh, then flinch as another shock is sent into my body. I shudder from the impact of the electric wavelengths coursing through my body. 
I'm still conscious.
Another electric shock. Then another. And another. Until the last of my willpower shuts off, deciding that maybe it'd be okay to take a break for a bit. 

Just a small nap.


I can feel it. Death's fingers caressing my face, but I don't see her, or hear her. It's like she's trying to tell me to wake up. But it's so peaceful. Why would I ruin something as beautifully serene as this?

Get up dipshit.
One word. Alexandra.

My eyes snap open, my body aching with the terms of my new consciousness. I finally feel the pressure of metal clamps holding my body to a wall. I'm slightly elevated, which is weird. 

The first non cliche thing I've seen so far.
I suppose we need something to liven up the suspense.

I see no one else in the room, which makes the environment more uncertain. I notice my mask feels strange in some spots, as if there are holes.

If these dickwads ripped my mask-

"Deadpool! My favorite idiot!" I hear a familiar voice burst into the room, dragging a very, very bloody Alex. My heart drops into my stomach at the sight.

Wouldn't be the first time.
Don't remind me.

"Let's have a little discussion, whilst The Assassin has a nice little cry in the corner!" Jake laughs as he tosses Alex's weak body into the corner of the room. I feel like I'm going to puke.
"So, there was a plan. A very, very simple plan. Which you didn't follow." Jake walks forward until he's a couple inches from my face, thinking he's intimidating to me in the slightest.
"And of course, you couldn't follow orders. That's what the boss gets for hiring a mercenary."

I don't reply. Which of course, makes him angry, but he remains still and silent.

"Is this the part where we make out now?" I say bluntly, hiding the smirk that wants to creep it's way onto my face. I feel a sharp pain in my jaw, causing my vision to spot as a loud banging noise signals that Jake left.

Good, now I can heal, and see if Alex is alright.
From a distance of course, seeing as I'm a bit constricted at the moment.
Just shut your mouth for once, and focus.
You seem to be telling me that a lot.

The effects of the punch took only a minute to heal, but as soon as I regain my vision, I notice that Alex is unconscious.

I'll just wait here then.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ was that? I kinda pulled that from no where, and slightly hate myself for it. I bet you hate me too. But when an idea forms, IT MUST BE WRITTEN!

Enjoy the new chapter! 

Goal for next chapter: 30 votes.

Am I too ambitious? 

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