Chapter Fourteen

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“Don’t be like that,” Jasmine pouted, stepping towards Sayer who quickly shoved me in front of him, holding me firmly in between him and Jasmine.

I stepped back on his foot, trying to release myself from his firm grip, but he didn’t even tense as my weight shifted onto him. I fidgeted, trying to wiggle free but still his hands stayed planted on my arms, refusing to let go.

“Sayer,” I hissed, “Let me go.” His grip tightened and as Jasmine came closer he dragged me backwards with him. I groaned, letting him use me as his shield, but he was going to have to explain himself later.

“We need to return to the hotel, sorry, Jasmine,” Sayer said firmly in a monotone. Jasmine laughed, battling her eyelashes at him. I raised my eyebrows, confused and feeling in a rather awkward situation. Sayer was on one side of me, Jasmine on the other. She kept trying to walk round me to reach him, but Sayer would always turn me so I was blocking her. Soon she gave up, looking through me at Sayer, as if I wasn’t there.

“Come on, Sayer, where’s your spirit gone?” She folded her arms, staring at him with her big blue eyes. Her black hair shone in the moonlight, framing her pale face and making her look even more beautiful, despite the fact she was already prepossessing because of her fairy looks. Sayer, it seemed, was not bothered by her looks, which surprised me.

“Go away Jasmine,” He growled, pulling me back with him before letting me go and storming off back towards the hotel. I hesitated, looking back at Jasmine who was now staring after Sayer, her eyes filled with pain. Why did Sayer keep hurting people?

I dashed after him, walking in step with him at his fast pace. I didn’t know what to say and judging by his expression, whatever I did say was not going to be taken into consideration, so I stayed silent.

“What is her problem? You’d think she’d learn after what happened, but no, Jasmine never learns. Bloody bitch can’t leave me alone, it’s like she’s obsessed with me,” Sayer rambled, his gesturing wildly with his hands.  

“Sayer-“ I begun but he quickly cut me off.

“No, just stop there, Morgana. You don’t know Jasmine, so don’t go defending her,” He snapped at me

I glared at him. “Actually I wasn’t going to defend her.” I lied, walking in front of him, getting in his way.

Sayer raised a brow. “Of course you weren’t,” He said sarcastically, moving to walk round me. I sidestepped in his way.

“Can you just explain to me what happened?” I asked. Sayer said nothing, staring stonily ahead. “Please?” I pleaded.

He sighed, “Fine. It was a year ago, the fairy Queen sent some fairies to Ezalfar to work with us Dusarlas. It was so we learnt more about each other, but, of course, things went wrong. Some Dusarlas protested about having the fairies in our city, but Luanna took no notice of their protests.”

“Luanna?” I frowned.

“Queen of Ezalfar, Penelope Luanna,” Sayer explained, “So the Dusarlas attacked the fairies and there was this big uproar. Dwynwen and I went out to help, but Khadi came with us and soon dragged Dwynwen off to do whatever crazy plan she had. So I went into the war and I saw Jasmine being attacked by three Dusarlas. She wasn’t defending herself or using her powers against them like the other fairies, instead she was pleading. I thought she was different, I thought she was… more humane than the others. But no fairy is humane.”

“So I saved her, I dragged her out of the war into the Ezalfar forest. I told her to leave, but instead she begged me not to go back into the war. She begun to cry and, well, I couldn’t leave her. So I stayed and she told me why she had put herself up to go to Ezalfar. When she was born, he father hated her, you see, her father was a vampire, her mother a fairy, but her father had never wanted a daughter, he had wanted a son. In anger, he killed Jasmine’s mother, and then turned to kill Jasmine. Luckily, a fairy warrior saved her. Jasmine then went to live with her aunt.”

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