Chapter Twenty Six

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I watched as Andor broke the lock on the large, iron gate which allowed us to enter the castle gardens. He ushered us in behind him and we began to creep around the bushes until we reached an oak door, falling apart at the hinges. Andor flung it open, continuing into a narrow, dim lit hallway, the type you might find in horror movies before something attacks. Despite my efforts to remain strong and look unafraid, I couldn't help but shiver. Ryan took my hand and squeezed it, giving me an encouraging smile even though in his eyes I could tell he was just as afraid as I was.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sayer and Dwynwen walking side by side, every so often bumping shoulders or touching hands. I smiled to myself, glad that they were returning to the normal selves. Ianthe seemed to be discussing something quietly with Melissa while Zane walked slowly behind them, listening, but not commenting. They kept glancing at me for some reason, so I returned their gaze with a questioningly one of my own, but they just ignored it.

Andor seemed to be leading us through an intricate maze of corridors, counting doors before opening one and leading us on wards. The castle was a very dark place, the only light coming from small lanterns hanging from the ceiling. There were no windows and the walls were made from stone. The carpet under our feet was blood red, as if lives had been taken right where we were standing and the blood had seeped from their body into the carpet. The thought made me shiver and edge closer to Ryan.

I could still remember an hour ago, when Andor found out about Ryan and I. After locking eye contact with me, Andor had disappeared. Ryan and I had talked for some time before we headed back to camp to get ready to attack Tharielon.

Once ready we had set off, Andor at the front directing us. I thought he was going to ignore me, but instead he kept glancing at me regretfully and wouldn't tell me what was wrong. I wanted to ask but with Ianthe glaring at me I couldn't gather up the courage to go near him.

Andor told us Ariadne would be in the basement of the main Thariel castle, which was easy to spot as it towered over the others like a giant. He easily broke in and knew exactly where to go, yet he wouldn't speak to any of us. I was weary we would run into Thariels but according to Ianthe they were all out on the battlefield fighting, I didn't trust his judgement but Andor didn't say anything to disagree.

We reached the end of the corridor with several wooden doors. Andor stood in front of us silently, looking as though he was contemplating something. After some time he spoke up, directing us into pairs.

"The first pair will go down to the left basement, the second pair to the right. Third pair will go upstairs to the left, fourth pair to the right and fifth pair will continue on this hallway," he instructed. "Now to sort you into pairs..."

"Simple," I interjected much to Andor's annoyance, "Sayer and Dwynwen, you go down to the right. Jayden and Cozae to the left." The pairs began to file off, Sayer giving me a death glare despite he fact I thought Dwynwen and him were getting on, Dwynwen nodding her thanks and Cozae having to be dragged by Jayden who was looking pretty pissed off at the arrangement. Once gone I glanced at the group left wand I knew for certain I was not going to be left with Ianthe. "Ianthe and Melissa, upstairs to your right." They nodded and disappeared as well. Now was the hard part. There were four of us left, Andor, Ryan, Zane and me. I couldn't put Andor and Ryan together, it was obvious they didn't get along so one of them had to go with Zane. Andor wanted to save Thorn though, and I doubted he'd have the patience for Zane. So that meant him going with me... Ryan was going to be mad about that though.

"I'm heading upstairs to the left," Andor muttered, opening the door and beginning to climb the stairs.

I let out a sigh and shook my head, meeting Ryan's gaze finally, "I'm going to have to go with him, to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Ryan nodded as if he understood, but I could tell he wasn't happy. Zane took off down the hallway, Ryan following at his heels, every-so-often glancing back at me.

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