Is this a crush?

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                    COLBY'S POV

    When Sam said he had a sister, I thought she would look like him. But i was wrong, shes really pretty. I can't even talk around her at this point.  Every time that she is in the same room as me i get nervous and my palms sweat.

  Once me and sam were done setting up, we tried to find mia so we could get ready to start.We yelled her name. She didn't answer. We ran through most of the house when we found her in the backyard. She stood by the pool and the sunset was behind her. This was a picture worthy moment, but i don't want to seem creepy. She was facing the other direction and Sam about to push her into the pool.

   I decided to be her knight in shining armor and save her. I waited for the perfect opportunity. A few seconds before he got to her, I ran and grabbed her waist, pulling her aside.

 Sam just noticed what happened and tried to stop himself from plunging into the pool. But it was to late. His whole body went under water and when he came up he swam to the edge and jumped out, shivering.

  Mia was laughing so hard, that it made me smirk. It felt nice making people smile.


    Sam was PISSED.  He chased us around and soon enough, once we were tired out, he caught us. He was like a parent , when a child disobeyed them. He grabbed a hold of each of our ears, dragging us to the backyard.  He stopped at them poolside.

     "NOOO, this is my favorite shirt," I yelled,"you do it and i will tell mother that you broke my arm."

   " but you won't have a broken arm, next time you see her." Sam smirked.

"I will jump off of a swing and get one." I told him.

" Ohhhhh, well" Sam smiled and pushed us both into the pool.

  I immediately latched onto Colby, once we were in the pool. It is a bad habit I have, from my childhood. I couldn't swim like most children at that age. But the fear of water never left, even though it wasn't a threat no more.

    Colby turned around and picked my legs up, now holding me bridal style. He carried me to shore and set me on the sidewalk. He jumped out after me and shook the water off like a dog. He put his hand out, offering me help up. I gladly accepted, only because he's cute.

     "we will get him, after the video." Colby told me. I smiled and nodded my head in agreement.

    We went inside and used a towel to dry most of our bodies off. We took our places and me being the guest sat in the middle.

      "Hey guys, its Sam and Colby and today we have a guest star, Mia!." Colby started.

   "also my sister." Sam had to add.

    "We will be doing the chubby bunny challenge." Both of the boys say.

 "what the fuck." I say,"that's so 2013."

"nothing will ever please my sister." Sam says.

  Colby smirked and looked in my direction. In the lowest voice, I swear I could hear him say,' well maybe I could."

I won Colby by 1 marshmallow and Sam by 6. My score was 11 and i'm proud  of it. I almost choked on 4 of them at the end because of how slippery they are. I wonder how many people died from this contest, it's very dangerous. 

      After the video was done, Sam told me," We are going to get our stuff from the house, come on. we are spending the night here to edit the video and we need to know if you think it is good enough to post."

    "okay" I shake my head, sadly because I could have gone to highschool madness with Jess, Angel, Ayde, and Andres.

    We got to the house and I grabbed half of my room and managed to fit it in one bag.

 On the drive back to Colby's, I started having daydreams of him. This night is going to be long and awkward. 

   We jumped out of the car and ran inside. They showed me to my room and I set my stuff down.

  I decided to just lay down and stay on my phone. If they need me, they'll call me. 

Finding true love - COLBY BROCKWhere stories live. Discover now