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They got home and Mia took a nap, along with Colby. Sam just stayed up, like he usually does. And Colby sat next to Mia on the couch, just admiring her.

As his eyes scanned over her, he realized how much he actually loved her. He would die for her. Since they were dating, he could already call her his. But he wanted more than that. He wanted to spend forever with her.


Colby went to talk to Sam, just as Mia woke up.


I sat up, wondering what happened. It feels just like I blacked out. I guess I was so tired, right when we got home that I passed out.

When I unlocked my phone, I got a message from my grandma.
A tear immediately feel from my face as I read the message. It said 'I'm sorry to inform you, but your grandpa has passed. I couldn't call you becasue I'm scared I'll break down.'

My grandpa was always there for me. I can't believe I didn't get to say goodbye.


I ordered a plane ticket.
After hours of crying, I started to pack my bags.
Packing my bags took about another hour.

Then, I walked out of my room to inform Sam.

I looled in every room to find him, but he wasn't there. I heard bangs in the kitchen, so I went there.

It was not Sam. It was Jess. She looked at me, then ran to me, asking what's the matter.

"My grandpa died." I stuttered.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry". She said with empathy.

"I'm going to travel to Florida for a while." I said.

Jessica nodded her head.


I texted Sam that I was going to the airport, after explaining what happened.

He told called me while crying.

"What happened?!" He cried.

"I don't know, but I'm at the airport. I have to go." I said

"By-e" I ended the call.


While on the plane, I felt bad not letting Colby know. But I was in a hurry.

Outside the window, the clouds dance below me. I imagined grandpa there, happy. He is smiling. A tear treaded down my cheek.


After about four hours, I hopped off the plane and called my aunt.
She lives with my grandparents so they don't have to be put in a nursing home.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, I flew down to Florida, can you get me from the airport?" I asked, still teary-eyed.

"Ya, on my way." She hung up.

I walked through all the gates and security, which took forever.

By the time I got out, it only took 10 minutes for my aunt to arrive.

The car ride was silent.



I talked to Sam about proposing to Mia, but the conversation was finished after Sam got a call.

We both went back inside. As I walked around looking for Mia, I found no trace of her.

Her room looked dug through and I started to freak out. What if she got kidnapped?!

I ran down the stairs, just as Sam hung up. He was crying.

"What happened?" I asked "omg, she got kidnapped, didn't she?"

"No," he said,"our grandpa passed and she's going to Florida."

"Oh" I shook my head.

I walked off sadly.


MIA'S POV- 1 week later

The funerals today.

We went there. Everybody said their homemade notes and cried.

A montage played on a small tv of pictures and videos. Flowers were placed in the casket.

On the way home, nobody said a word.


I have decided to stay a while. Only about a month. I need my grandma, just as much as she needs me right now.

We have made time to forget about the events.

Sam hasn't come to Florida. He told me there were no open flights before the funeral, since Florida isn't that far.

I called Colby once. It was a five minute conversation. The talk was not really eventfull. All we said was hello and talked about things that happened.


My aunt, Jenna is baking cookies, just like evertime I came here when I was a kid.

This is my second home, and it always will be.
The things that happened, made me realize not to take things for granted.






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