I should have said goodbye

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Yesterday was the best day ever and I owe it all to Colby. He came out here and made my day. My smile radiated across the room and into the mirror. I look the happiest that i have been in a while.I didn't have bags under my eyes no more and my face was lightened up.
    Colby and Sam were both in the other room, being lame carrots.
  I slowly started to wake up and everything was coming back. The worst of it all was my grandma. I forgot to visit. So did Sam.
    My smile dropped and my heart pounded.
I decided to go remind Sam, We need to see her. He is going to dread see her bad state, as much as I am going to.
   I walked into the room.
  "We need to visit grandma, Sam." I reminded him. His face dropped and he nodded.
We got ready, which took about an hour or so because of me. I take a long time getting ready.  I procrastinated on going to the car.
   I already know my granny has Alzheimer's, so she might not remember us. It broke my heart when I was 15 and she forgot my mother. It was like they never met and all those memories just went to waste.
    We drove under the speed limit. Colby stayed in the back of the car, trying to support the both of us by saying things like," it's gonna be okay".
   I fake smiled and rested my head on the cars window. There was not a single car on the road. The hospital is about 20 more minutes away.
   I think I'm gonna sleep. I closed my eyes and I slipped into a eerie darkness.
     I awoke to Colby carrying me inside a white building. It was the hospital.
   We sat in the waiting room for nearly 2 hours and finally realized we could have just gone there without a nurses permission.
Me and Colby were holding hands. I squeezed his hand as hard as possible, causing him to groan in pain.
   We entered room 46b and Sam an empty bed. A confused look crossed mine and Sam's face.
  Where is She? What happened? MY MOM WILL KNOW! I thought." Sam, call mom."He took his phone out and dialed a number.
"Yeah, mom?.......wheres granny....NOOOOOO!" Sam ran out of the building and we chased him. What happened?! Is she okay?!

We looked everywhere but we couldn't find him. We decided to give up and go home. And when we there I decided it was best to call my mom. We dialed her number 6 times but she wouldn't answer any of them.
My heart is racing and I'm wondering what's happening. It's practically impossible to find my runaway brother that we already look for 4 hours. And get a hold of my mother that will not answer.

Sam has run away before this and he all he has always come back. Even if we can't find him he is old enough to take care of himself. Most kids his age are alone and learn how to care for themselves. So why can't he do it?

The only reason I was worried is because I still don't know what happened and I can't find anyone to tell me. The best way to find my brother or mom to figure out why my grandma wasn't there in the bed is to stay and wait for them at the house.

Colby was smart and didn't talk to me he only held my shoulder so I did not punch him. I still can't believe I have a boyfriend. And he is hot.

Nearly two hours later my mother barge through the front door with tears streaming down her eyes. Me and Colby ran to her asking what was wrong. When she answered my heart nearly stopped. I thought I had more time. I guess I was wrong.
  "Granny, she di-ied l- last night. I sat next to her until they forced me to leave. Her funeral is Friday."
   "Im sorry" Colby replied.she nodded her head, thanking him. I let tears stream down my face making me run into the bathroom and throw a fit. Why was the world unfair. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

I heard the front door open and Sam voice. I wanted to go out there and hug him but I would just fall to the floor crying. I stayed in there for a while but then soon Colby came and helped me deal with that situation.

In a few minutes he had me running out and hugging him. I love him. At this point he is the only person that is making me happy.

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