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I sat in the guest bedroom for about 30 minutes, before I got bored.I went downstairs and found Sam locked outside, with Colby urging me to help him keep the door closed.
While Colby was holding the door shut, I locked it. Why didn't he think of that?
"Lock the windows!" Colby yelled.
"Why are you locking him out?" I ask.
"He pushed us in the pool, remember?" Colby stated.
"Oh, yeah." Now I remember,"but, don't we have to edit the video?.
"We can do that all night."Colby said,"now lock the windows."
"Ok". I smiled and ran to each room, locking the Windows.
When I went into Colbys room, Sam was outside the now-locked window.He gave me the creepiest stare ever. Like he was a murderer about to jump through the window and kill me.He wasn't blinking and his mouth was formed in a straight line.
It startled me when he yelled,"Mia!, let me in."
I calmly said,"watcha gonna do 'Bout it?" And smiled.
"Ummm... ill..ummm...tell Colby you like him and have his babies." I frowned, my eyes went wide and I didnt know what to do anymore.Do I let him in, and let Colby down? Or do I not let him in, and ruin my new friendship?
Why is Sam such an ass?
"You wouldn't," I say," I don't even like him."
When ever I lie my voice turns squeaky, like a 6 year olds.
"Oh, yes I would. And you do like him, your voice went high, again." He said and I just glared at him.
Colby walked in the room, and it made me relax. Hopefully he'll help me.
"We don't let albino demons inside, it brings bad luck." Colby said to Sam.
A ghost-like-smirk tugged at the corner of my lips. Sam IS very pale compared to everyone in our family.
"She likes you, Colby" Sam said,"she just was telling me how perfect, she thinks you are."
Colby turned around to me and smiled.
"I don't know if he is lying but, I think your prettier than anyone i have ever seen before."
I blushed and from the window, I could see how mad Sam was. This really posses him off when Me and Colby flirt with each other.
"We will let him in,at about 5." Colby told me.
It was 4, so he had an hour to wait. Our house was to far for him to walk, and he couldn't drive because he didn't have his keys with him, when we locked him out. Sometimes, things work out perfectley... for instance, right now.
I sat next to Colby on the blue-ish couch. The couch color kinda matched the blue side of my head. On the left side of my head,I had black hair, and the right it was a blue/green color.
He turned the tv on and we searched for a good movie to watch. We finally agreed on Dory.

I always want to see my friend (Jessica) act. [Everyone calls her Dory, because she forgets everything] Dory is litteraly one of her nicknames.
As we were watching the movie, a light weight was added onto my shoulders.
I didn't know if Colby put his arm around me, or its a blanket. But just in case it was his arm, I didn't want to ruin anything by looking at it.

A loud knock came from the door and she realized that it was 7. We ran to it, thinking it was a burglur.Colby brought a bat and I got a frying pan.
I opened the door and no one was there. So, I closed it. Minutes later it happened again.
No one was there. Out of nowhere a strange figure appeared from behind the railing, and jumped at us.
I got it in the head with the pan and knocked him out.
I bent down, to sit next to Sam. At least he was alive, right?
Colby started to laugh.
"I love you, you're my new best friend." He said.
I smiled,"I feel like Repunzel, with her frying pan."
We got distracted again, and totally forgot about him.
I finally realized what was happening and ran inside for a flashlight. Colby followed.
"Where do you keep your flashlight?" I yelled, from the hallway.
"Downstairs, first drawer you see." He replied.
I ran down the stairs and looked at a row of white drawers. I went to the first one and slid it open. In it there was a first aid, candles, and flashlights. I took the first aid and smallest flashlight.
I ran through the house and out the door, with Colby on my trail, once again.
I sat next to Sam and couldn't stop laughing. He managed to be stupid in every situation, no wonder why he got hit with a frying pan.
I pryed his eyes open, and shined the light at the pupil. Both of them dilated, so he didn't have a concusion. But minor brain damage won't hurt him much. With the first aid, I cleaned the gash on his head with alcohol, then put a bandaid with Neosporin on it.
"Colby" I turn to face him.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"Can you carry him, he's to fat for me." I state.
He smiled and said," yeah, I have muscles". He flexed," wanna feel?."
I shook my head and looked down.
"You sure, cause I work out."
I brought my hand to his muscle without thinking. He smiled and said,
"See, no girl can resist."
After that embarrassing conversation, Colby brought Sam to the couch. Me and Colby started to edit the first part of the video.
I have never met a guy, that is so nice.

I think I have a crush.

Bye, have a nice day. Colbys okay, but ZAYN, is LIFE.


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