Movie Night

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                                                                                 MIAS POV

     I can't stop thinking of when me and Colby kissed. It just felt so right and I think i'm in love with him. 

    Me and Sam went home yesterday and he will not talk to me. Everytime he doesn't get his way, he throws a fit.  I am going to talk to him. All he was trying to do was protect me, and I just did my best to make sure he didn't. I sat down on the other side of his door and started to talk.

 " Sam I'm sorry.........I will stop talking to your friend....if you want me to."

   He replied,"No, I just don't want you to get hurt. You guys can date. I just worry."

   " Thank you, Sam. I won't get hurt". I said. He opened the door and came out. 

 "oh, That's not why I locked myself in there though," he said," I am texting a girl and you would disapprove of what we are saying." I smiled and we walked downstairs, sitting on the couch. I heard Sams phone ring. He answered it.

  "yeah, shes here.......let me ask..........."Mia, wanna watch a movie at Colbys". He wiggled his eyebrows , which made me laugh. " She said yes......ok be there in 30."

We got ready. Sam wore sweat pant and a brown shirt. I wore a red shirt with blue jeans. After about twenty-five minutes, we got in the car and drove to his house. I fell half asleep until Sam yanked the door open, making me nearly fall onto the sidewalk. I jolted up, flipping him off for an attempt of murder. We knocked on the door. It took Colby FOREVER to answer, when he did he brought me into a rib-crushing hug. I gasped, which made him loosen his grip.

    We walked inside the maroon-colored house and when I saw a loaded nerf gun, I instantly grabbed it. I turned the corner and hid in the bathroom with the door open.

 "Mia, where did you run off to." One of the boys yelled.I had to hold my mouth, so I didn't laugh.Once they left the room to find me, and went upstairs, I yelled,                                                                    "FIND MEHHH!!!!!"

   Loud footsteps came down the stairs, moving closer to the hallway. They passed the bathroom once already, and now they are coming back. I jumped out in front of Colby, shooting his eye. He fell to the floor in pain. I couldn't help but laugh.When Sam spotted the injured Colby, he started to laugh, too. I helped Colby up, he held his eye, making me even more amused. 

   Colby got an ice pack and I put in Mean Girls. I love this movie, I have watched it hundreds of times, and still not bored. Colby jumped into Sam's lap, making him grunt. Once he got up, Colby sat in the middle, putting an arm around me. For the first time ever, Sam wasn't mad.

A sudden ring made me pause the movie. I notice that it was Sam's phone and watched to hear this phone call that couldn't wait.

  "At your house?.......Yeah........text me the adress........okay, see you soon". Sam ended the call." I have to go, I think I have a girlfriend."

 I wink at him, before he leaves and start the movie for us to continue. I don't know why but I felt safe in Colby's arms. I soon fell asleep on Colby.

      I woke up to me being in a bed next to Colby, AWWW, he must have carried me here. When I sat up, I accidentally woke him up. He looked at me and smiled, " Want some breakfast". I nodded and followed him down the stairs. I opened the fridge and took out eggs, bacon, cheese, and milk. I gave Colby the ingredients, and sat at the table, waiting for my food. 

   "Can you hurry up, Colby?" I ask.

   "Do you want under-cooked bacon?" He asked. I shook my head and he replied with a,'GOOD'.

I put my head down on the table and fell half way asleep. I couldn't tell how much time passed but when a hand held onto my shoulder and woke me up, I brang my hand up and slapped them. I opened my eyes and realized it was Colby. 

 "what was that for?" he asked, holding his face.

 "you woke me up." I reply. Our conversation ended once, Colbys chair gave in on him and he fell backwards. One leg on the chair, came undone causing this. You could hear the sound of the wood underneath, when he fell. It was a big slap instead of a boom. I laughed until my face was purple and I couldn't breathe. 

 I helped him up, but when he was almost steady, I had to laugh, causing me to let go of him. He fell back to the floor and winced in pain. I couldn't stop laughing, I thought I was about to die. 

 "I'm sorry, it's just too funny to see you get hurt." I explained. He lightly chuckled and got up himself. 

 Together, we set all of the food on the table and mad ourselves HUGE plates.

While we were eating, I remembered the current events, causing me to almost choke on my food. Colby thought this was funny, so when he laughed, the same happened to him. He coughed continuously, until he got the excess food out of his throat. 

I waited to chew my food, then I laughed. But Colby was stupid and continued to laugh with food in his mouth. Sometimes I wonder, how did he survive all these years? Does he learn from mistakes? He should or he is going to kill himself.

       I got up and thought of a genius prank, but I need to do a lot of planning before I actually pull it on someone.


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