Chapter 3; The Note and the walk down memory lane. (edited)

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Chapter 3: The Note and the walk down memory lane.

_Edited_ (yet not proof read)


September 5th,

Dear Eleanor,

You're the only beautiful girl who tricked my fancy lately.

Well, I must say you're lucky to get this from you. So, would you like to be my girlfriend?

P.s: It's not a joke.


Austin Parker.

I can't believe my eyes. What have I just read? And what shocks me even more is that it is from two days back. As far as I remember Ellen always tells me if she gets anything from a guy immediately after it happens. But I can't make out why she didn't tell me about this. I am confused. That good-for-nothing-Austin, how dare he picks up on my best friend? She is mine and I will not let anyone else have her.

Daydreaming much? You never told her about how you feel, how can she be yours then? And she doesn't like you in the way you do, isn't it obvious?

My conscience snaps at me.

Okay, I like her beyond measure and I don't want her to be with any other douche bag, who is just flirting with her. But then, I also can't confess to her about the way I feel. It will ruin our friendship. Besides, even if I admit it to her that I like her, she will say something between the lines of 'tell me something I don't know' and probably consider it as a joke.

But, at the moment jealousy is consuming my every nerve ending. No one has the right to call her beautiful, but me. I am sure that Austin is going to end up breaking her heart. That guy has hooked up with half of the girls in our school. I can't endure the possibility of Ellen being one of those girls.

Still, I can't even begin to imagine why she didn't mention it to me. Maybe, it just slipped from her mind. For now, it is better if I forget about it and wait for her to tell me. After all, I am positive that she will not say yes to Austin, not even in a million years.

I just block my strangled thoughts and hastily keep the note back in her bag, taking the chocolate out.

I start the engine, and sit there in silence. When I see her approaching, I focus ahead gripping the steering wheel tighter, just to let the anger that invaded my soul to soothe. My instincts speak otherwise, warning me that I might be wrong this time, which is ingesting me up.

She wouldn't accept Austin's proposal?

I hope she doesn't.

I am still not satisfied of the fact that she didn't tell me. She is the one who never hides anything from me, in fact I am the first person she approaches to fill in about her happening life. Then why did she not tell me about this?

She hurries her way towards the car and fixes herself up in the passenger seat.

"I am back. Luck was on my side today, the counter guy kept it safely with him." She says gladly.

I just put on a smile forcefully, not in the mood to let her know that I am mad at her and hand her the chocolate.


What's up with his poker face, is something worrying him? Does he need help? What's wrong? I've never seen him so flustered before.

The look on his face didn't depict his emotions and I frown at him. Am I the one to be held responsible for his mood? The thought is nagging.

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