Chapter 17: I will never have enough of your beauty.

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Chapter 17: I will never have enough of your beauty.


"Bye." Mandy said to me while getting out of my car. I turned to her and gave her my warm smile.

"Bye Mandy, see you at school." I said, and she just smiled back and went inside her house.

I should not be acting like that but I get very excited, when I get these little moments with Ellen to cherish besides since the time she has been in a relationship with Austin; I don't get much time to spend with her. With all the Ellen-thoughts running inside my mind are not making me concentrate on driving but of course I can't help it; A week ago I checked that, the most difficult job for me to do is stop thinking about the one and only Ellen and trust me it isn't fun.

I parked my car in my garage, hauling myself out, Ellen was right; today was exhausting. I still can't believe that I invaded her privacy like that, and I am sure I won't get over the humiliation any time sooner. I walked inside finding out that there was no one home except Ellen. I sauntered towards my room the second I close the door behind me, I heard Ellen saying something;

"I love someone, and that's not you."

"I know; I am sorry please try to understand!"


"What the Hell?" I mumbled, Witnessing Ellen sleep talking, which was damn adorable, yet whatever she was saying was confusing. She loves someone? She never told me that. What is wrong with this girl, she has never acted like this before. Ellen's soft murmurs cut off my reverie;

"What do you mean; I played with your feelings? You were never serious with any other girl, and I am effin sure you weren't with me either."

Huh? This is so fudged up, All this time she was playing with Austin, I am happy hear that but sadly she loves someone, who could it be?

"You're asking me who is he, isn't it clear that I love—"

All I wanna be,

yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah

Is Somebody to you.

Perfect timing, Ellen woke up to the sound of her loud ringtone for; of course Austin Parker. She stood up immediately, her hair like an adorable mess and her face all sweaty and exhaustion clearly visible through the dark circles around her eyes.

"What is going on?" She panicked.

"Nothing it's just your phone; Austin is calling you, and hey we seriously need to talk." I replied annoyed, that was my perfect chance.

"What is there to talk? Can't you see I was having such an awesome sleep and—"

"Hey I didn't wake you up, it was your snoopy boyfriend." I said focusing on the 'Snoopy Boyfriend'

"Ron, that was—"

All I wanna be,

Yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah

Is Somebody to you.

"Ellen, could you please just pick up that damn phone." I yelled angrily. Her response was abrupt and she hastily picked up the phone putting it on voicemail.

"Okay! Okay! Calm down, I'll be right back." She said getting off the bed walking towards my balcony. Yeah they are so private, and not to mention; I am one of the most jealous person on Earth. She gave one last glance back at me, I just smiled looking at her pretty face longingly, and then she closed the doors.

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