Chapter; 11 Fearless? (edited)

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Edited, not proof read. XD

Chapter 11, Fearless?


I am so close to him I can even smell his faint body scent. The white khakis he is wearing looks good on him and his bare torso is a pleasant sight to gawk. 

I think, I am finally liking his presence. And I might be growing fond of him.

But, then again, there's this part of me that screams 'Who are you kidding, he can never be Aaron'. I know I can't ever move on from Aaron, it's just I don't have a choice. The least I can do is, try.

My drastically distracted train of thoughts return back to the situation at hand when I feel the water coming closer to me.

I can't stop myself and starts blurting out the hurtful, torturous memories of a while back.

"It happened five years ago at a beach party, mom's friend organized it, her daughter was thirteen years old just like me at the time...she went to the other school...we were friends. She didn't know how to swim, on that day we all were playing in the water suddenly a huge tide came, she couldn't control herself and she drowned in front of me. I was unable to help her because I was too busy in saving myself. I can still hear her cries for help, they scare the hell out of me...When I saw her body I remember I passed out."

I am crying when I realise Austin has me curled up in a hug, trying to shush me

"I am so sorry Ellie. I didn't know."

"It's ok, it's just I always cry whenever I think of her."

"I feel like I should've done something to save her, help her."

"I can understand." He says.

"I've never been to the beach since then. I am longing to feel the ocean water but I can't fight the horror, it's too intense." I say, sadly.

We are now untangled and walking on the sand. It feels good, the sand, watching the the ladies getting tanned, kids making sandcastles, all seems pleasant. Luckily, the beach isn't crowded today.

"I think we should go in the water." Austin says out of the blue and I stare at him, unsure if he's joking or actually dead serious.

Of course, he's serious.

"No, I can't do this." I inform him, wandering a few steps away from him, faster.

"Oh yes you can, it is for your own good, if we did. How long do you want this fear to eat you? In life we need to stand head to head with our fears and fight them off." Austin reaches me and turns me around, squeezing my shoulders reassuringly.

Why is this guy intimidating me. Gosh! He is so convincing and dominant. I think about a nice way to refuse, but I am at a loss for words.

"Okay." I say, smiling at him, I know my minds doing otherwise.

"But you're going to promise me we won't go in the deep. And I am sure, I must have forgotten how to swim."

His response doesn't lack excitement.

"I promise."

"Let's go kill the fear." He yells.

In seconds he throws me back on his shoulders and I let out a little yelp nervously.



"Don't let go of my hand, yes?"

"I bet my life on it, I won't." He confirms. 

"Well, that's comforting, let's do this." I let out a nervous laugh and he chuckles with a nod.

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