Chapter 10, Misunderstood, Change. (edited)

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Chapter 10; Misunderstood, Change.
Not proof read. XD


"What the hell Ellen, why are you crying?" Rebbie says, scooting towards me and enwrapping me in her arms. I don't reply but let her hold me, comfort me.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry Ellen." She hugs me tighter. I am sure she is seeing it right now.

Miranda and Aaron are sitting in an empty table alone and they're making out.

I never thought Aaron was one for PDAs.

It nauseates me, I feel a strong ache in my chest. I know it's my heart, shattering into tiny pieces each passing second. I knew from the beginning if I saw Aaron with someone else, i'll break beyond repair and that's what is happening right in front of me and I am helpless and completely vulnerable.

Definitely from his peripheral view Aaron notices me crying and he frowns at me. Unsure of what I should do next, I just pull out of Rebbie's embrace, pick my stuff, bow my head down and run for the cafeteria's exit.

This is all my fault. I am the reason I lost my best friend. I am the reason we're not talking anymore. I am the reason for all the drastic changes our life has taken.

I am to blame, solely.

God, help me. Take my pain away. I am sorry. Wake me up from this nightmare.

I am not sure where I am going, I feel dizzy and fatigued but the heavy sobs are not stopping. It's painful. I stop in the middle of our school ground, the big old tree helping me up and stand my ground instead of falling face first.

For the first time in my life, I don't know what to do. I am clueless and hopeless.

I let out a loud scream of pain, agony and tears only to be falling head first to someone's chest. I am pretty sure I was loud.

"What the hell Ellen?" A familiar voice calls out. Aaron pulls me away to his arm length and observes me, worry etched on his features.

"Why are you crying Ellen? Did he hurt you? I swear to god if he did, i'll kill him. Tell me baby, what's wrong?"

Oh I wish I could tell you Aaron that it's not Austin who hurt me, it's you, because I am a jealous best friend and I can't see you getting all gooey with anyone else but me.

And what about how much you love him Ellen?

My conscience states.

"I am not crying, it's just my usual cold." I bury my face into my palms, wiping my tears.

"You're the most horrible liar to have walked on planet Earth. Now tell me what's wrong? " He concludes, holding my hands away from my face and keeping them down to my sides.

"I was crying in the memory of... grandma...I...I am missing her that's why." I stutter.

"Please Ellen, the truth." He flashes his saddened look to me and I bite my lip trying to keep the sobs at bay but this is Aaron and my emotional trauma never holds itself back when he's around so I do what I know best; I pull at his shirt, bring him closer and inhale his scent letting out whatever is inside of me. He holds me close putting his chin on top of my head, shushing me.

How am I supposed to tell you how much I want your touch Ron? How dearly I love you? And how I want us to have a forever and always?

"Tell me what that bastard do to you? Did he use you?" his voice become harsh as if reminiscing an unpleasant memory at the name of Austin while his touch his gentle.

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