Chapter 4; Surprises, The Decision and the Guilt (edited)

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Chapter 4: Surprises, the Decision and the Guilt


Not proof read. :p

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The surprises I am getting today are shocking. Who knew, people like him are so eager to have me that they could ask my best friend for my number. Above all, how could my best friend give away my number to strangers?

"Hi, from where did you get my number?"  I ask with suspicion.

"I have links baby." The voice from the other end of the phone replies.

Baby? When did I become that?

"I get it, so why did you call?" I ask, curiously.

"Why, does it bother you? If yes so I'll just hang up, sorry." He says with disappointment in his voice.

"No, it doesn't. You can call me whenever you like." I blurt it out abruptly, without even thinking.

Crap! He must be considering I am all over him.

What a dumbass you are, Eleanor.

My conscience snaps.

"So, I was thinking, you might want to catch a coffee or something tomorrow, besides it's a Saturday. What do you think?" He asks, nervousness is clearly drenched in his tone.

Austin Parker and anxiety? No freaking way.

Though it's so sweet of him, but I can't go all sentimental on him. After all, he's not the one I desire.

Yeah! Not the one. There is only one, 'one' to that only one.

"I'll think about it and will let you know, first thing in the morning."  I say hastily.

"I'll be waiting for your call." And then he hung up the phone.

"So?" Ron asks with curiosity.

"So, what?" I retort, trying hard to stay monotonous so that Aaron couldn't guess my uneasiness.

"Who was it?"

Oh so he wants to know who was it, and why should I tell him. I've other plans about this one.

"No one of concern, just an old friend of mine."

"Huh? Old friend, I don't think you have any specific 'old friends'."

Crap! What am I going to say to him now? I can't tell him Berkeley's Playboy is calling me to ask me out? No way, he'll freak out.

"Uh, actually it wasn't an old friend, but kind of a not-so-close-relative, he's back in town asking me if I could hang out with him tomorrow and catch up from where we left." I clarify, holding my breath for a bit too long.

Oh god! This is so wrong I have never lied to Ron, and now just to plan something up for my heart's satisfaction, I am lying to the only person I'm taking these risks for. This sounds so wrong.

Talk about unfair! At the exact moment 'Counting Stars' isn't helping me much,

I feel something so right

By doing the wrong thing

And I feel something so wrong

By doing the right thing

I could lie, could lie, could lie...

Oh shut up, please! You don't have any choices left, if you want something, you will have to face the consequences in either way you wish. Lying is a part of the solutions that comes with it.

Unbelievably, Loved.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ