Chapter 18; Façade uncovered

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Chapter 18

Façade uncovered


Façade uncovered


When everything is making sense and you're moving on and a single moment change all of it, throwing you off guard making you feel pathetic, that's exactly what happened to me today. Austin never cease to surprise me. We'll go back to what exactly happened and the events that took a 360 degrees turn.

A week had already gone by, I recovered from the mild food poisoning. I was doing fine, our family doctor told me. Ron was always around ordering me to eat. I was grateful for him, I was getting healthier each day.

I woke up flustered this morning, not to mention beside a sleeping Aaron. I had a bad dream, consider it a nightmare. It had something to do with a ghostly figure stabbing my heart. I quickly erased that thought out of my whirling mind. As soon as I saw the time on my phone, I panicked.

"RON, Oh my god, wake up."

He groggily lift his head up and gave me his puzzled look. I glared at him back, for it was only fair.

"It's all because of you, if we haven't been playing COD on your stupid Xbox till two in the morning, we wouldn't be running late for school."

My words sunk in his fuzzy brain and he retorted;

"Shit, what time is it?"

"Fifteen minutes to eight." I replied dryly, rinsing the toothpaste off my mouth.

"What?" He hastily shrugged out of the duvet and ran for the guest washroom, yelling he has a history test in the first period.

I laughed. "Serves you best babe."

He came out of the washroom with a frown, warning me never to call him babe again.

"I am no babe, I am dude." Pointing his index finger at me,

"You're the babe." He said and I laughed.

"Now hurry up would you." I said as I took my bag and rushed downstairs.

I entered the kitchen to find mom busy making pancakes for the two of us, I placed a chaste kiss on her cheek and settled myself on the breakfast table. I texted Austin I won't be able to meet him before the class begins just like every day. He was cool with it as long as I come to school.

Aaron joined us and we ate pancakes in silence as quickly as possible. I forgot to remind that he spent a night over my place because I needed tutoring. Just the usual.

We took our car as Aaron's was out of fuel and he didn't let me drive saying it hurt his pride.

Oh as if he have some.

I rolled my eyes at him but subsequently abided.

We reached school, ten freaking minutes late, and after having a fair share of our lectures from the principal we headed to our classes. I was lucky for Mrs Watson to choose this day to rest at home.

"Hi, Rebbie how're you doing." I started the second I sat beside Rebbie avoiding the creepy gazes of kids.

"You weren't taking my calls."

Well, hello to you too Rebecca

"Aaron said phone was off limits." I explained.

"Yeah right! And you couldn't just take a second to inform me about it?" She asked, clearly in a foul mood.

Seems like someone's on their bad days.

"Okay, I get it and I am sorry, it won't happen again." I pleaded.

She did an eye roll on me and sighed loudly, groaning at God knows what.

"What you've been up to today?" She asked changing the subject, which is something she always do, when she wants to avoid questions regarding her loser life, as she'd call it.

Your life is perfect, Rebbie. Only if you'd know about mine.

"Nothing cool, just that I am going for lunch with Miranda and Ron. Do you want to tag along?" I asked.

"No I'd like to stay in, not in a mood." I frowned at her response.

"Rebbie is everything okay, you're not giving much by your lack of verbose." I said irritated.

"Nothing's wrong Ellen, just let it slip this once, I'll tell you everything when I'd feel like." She protested and I gave in.

"Okayy.." I said uncertainly.

We left the subject for a while and started talking about, Rebbie's interests, of course fashion. I told her about my date with Austin and the fun we had. I left out the part where I feel something that's hollow inside me because I know I am not chasing what I should. If I tell her about my depressed life, she'd get worried and I can clearly see she's not in a good shape herself. Besides Austin is very nice to me, he's always there to me along Ron obviously, but I know he cares deeply. It's only a couple of months and I've already grown fond of him. But I have no clue, why I get this feeling that it wouldn't last long.


The day passed by and the final bell for the lunch interval brought the life back into my depressed state.

Oh thanks heaven.

I scurried out of the room with Rebecca, heading towards the cafeteria. We met Miranda along the way and I hugged her.

Strange, right? Well, she's a nice person, I like her.

What's her fault when my best friend doesn't show interest in me but her?

"Hi Ellen, how are you?" Miranda asked.

"I am good Mandy, it's just that Mondays are not my days." I made a scrunched up face to give her a teaser of my hatred.

We made our way towards the cafeteria and found Ron sitting on our table laughing along Dave and Jake.

I am sure they are filling out on the details about their recent trip to Houston. They have to visit their uncle every year.

That's why they missed the school trip and not to mention the fun.

We reached them to be greeted warmly and Ron ruffled my hair, making them appear like a bird's nest.

What's his problem?

"What the hell Ron!" I yelled and he laughed. I hit him hard on the arm and he tried to look hurt.

"Ow, you're strong." He said, Dave and Jake chuckled, Miranda and Rebecca tried hard to stifle their laughter.

"I. hate. You." I retorted, addressing Ron and he just laughed.

"I know," was all he said.

In between our lunch, I asked Ron if he had seen Austin around, but all he did was shrug;

"I don't keep tabs on your boyfriend, that's your job." He smirked.

"Keep your thoughts to yourself." I snapped, offended. He recovered as soon as he saw that I was mad.

"Hey, it was only a joke."

"An indecent one? It was. I'll just go for Austin hunt." I replied, and then addressing everyone, I told them, I'd be right back. I made my way out of the cafeteria and texted him.

*Where on Earth are you, Aussie?*

A few seconds later, I got his text, confusing me;

*I am in chemistry lab, taking a call, BRB xox*

Taking calls in chemistry lab? That's strange. Instead of heading back to the cafeteria, I went searching him. I saw him from the door's window, talking to someone I didn't know of, obviously and his back was against me. I entered the room with no noise and I was sure he didn't hear me enter the room. But what snatched the living hell out of me were his words.


i didn't expect myself to continue this but as it was nearing the end, i had to write it. it's short, but i'll make sure to update another chapter today only.


xox Adeena

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