Chapter 5: The real Austin Parker (edited)

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Chapter 5

The real Austin Parker


-Not proof read-


Rise and Shine!

I hate it when I am supposed to wake up early in the morning. I didn't even get enough beauty sleep, which a girl needs it more than she needs to breathe for staying alive.

Stop Exaggerating Ellen!

Stupid me, I forgot to pull the curtains last night. Now I am regretting being a 'dork'. My eyes hover over the alarm clock on the night stand and I let out a squeal.

Time flies.

It is half past eleven already, why didn't my mom wake me up. Realisation sinks, the hangout. I am so dead.

God I did not even pick my clothes for the lunch. I hurry up and rush to my bathroom for fixing the mess, I was. Yes, I look pathetic in the morning; even film industries can consider me suitable for the role of, evil witches. It'll look so natural.

Hell yeah? Hell yeah.

I brush my teeth quicker than usual for I know I am a snail. I have no time for a shower so I tie my chocolate brown hair into a high ponytail, letting my fringes fall freely on my face. I put on my black skinny jeans and a sea green tee topping it with my denim hoodie, and my favourite black heel boots. I accessorise myself with black pearl studs and my favourite necklace, Aaron gifted me on my fourteenth birthday. The thought of Aaron comes rushing along in my now messed up head.

Shoo, shoo, shoo.

My conscience helps me to eradicate it.

I am checking myself out in my vanity mirror while applying eyeliner, mascara and pink gloss. I do not like to overdo the face thing turning myself into a plum, instead I always go with the eyes and a light gloss, which again is very rare. Why I applied it today is also a mystery to me.

Finally, I am done with the most difficult part, yes, looking presentable for events. I run downstairs to the kitchen finding myself reading a note that is tugged on the fridge saying;

I am going to pick you dad up at the airport, we'll be heading to your aunt's house first and may get a little late, don't panic. I left some money on the counter, use it as you wish and call for company or go out, don't be late,

Love, Mom.

Love you too Mom, I sigh. She has a habit of leaving notes on the fridge; she never bothers to wake me up, explaining that it is rude to wake someone up because alarm does a pretty job for that.

Roger that! I hate alarms.

I make myself a cup of coffee and eggs, in morning I always go with these two. I am not bad in the kitchen; I can cook some dishes including 'Chocolate Brownies' and 'Pasta' my favourite.

After having my breakfast I look at the clock, it states that only five minutes are left to noon, knowing that Austin would be here any minute, I decide to walk out. I grab the spare keys, which were especially for me and open the door scurrying my way out.

I stand on the porch waiting and a couple of minutes later a sleek red car with no roof top, stops in front of my house revealing an overly handsome guy Austin, of course, smirking at me.

Really? Ferrari.

Nice taste.

Austin has dirty blond hair long enough to cover his eyes. The most beautiful shade of green I've ever seen. His features are quite prominent. And, well he's un-fucking-believably hot.

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