Chapter 6; The Inevitable Hit. (edited)

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Chapter 6; The Inevitable Hit.



Rebbie: WHY THE HELL didn't you tell me that you were dating Austin? Are you Nuts ELLEN? Call me as soon as you get this. AND YES, AARON KNOWS.

As soon as my eyes hover over the text I went completely in a shock. How does she know about this and from where did Ron hear about this? All the possibilities of 'Ron losing his mind and despising me' starts flashing in front of my eyes. He'll hate me that's for sure.

I don't know what to do and I can't make out from where they got the news, then, my stupid light bulb flickers and I hurriedly log onto my Facebook account. See, I knew it, with a picture of Austin and me from today's date;

"Austin Parker is in a Relationship with Eleanor Scott"

The number of likes and comments on the picture, makes my head go spinning. The jocks congratulating him on saying things along the lines of 'This is your best catch' and on the other hand all the girls going like 'What did you see in her?'

Ellen now is the time when your popular days begin. What have you done! Don't forget the hate that's going to hit your way.

My conscience snaps and I realise that being popular and getting all the attention, which was now bound to come, is a topper in my 'most hated things' list.

What on earth am I supposed to say to Rebecca, I am sure she'll understand, but of course, lecture me about how this wasn't the wisest of my decisions, and how this is unfair to Austin. Besides all the unnerving thoughts, I decide to call her.

She picked up the phone on the second ring and starts yelling.

"What the hell? Are you fudging crazy Eleanor Scott? Did somebody snatch your useless brain and went running in the opposite direction? And you didn't even tell me, at least you should've told Ron about this. He's pissed beyond your imagination..." And that's when I zone out. At the mention of Ron's name, Rebecca's loud ranting died down and the only thing I hear is my mind screaming at me, making my guilty conscience alert; Ron's going to be so disappointed in me.

Whenever Rebecca addresses me with my full name, hell knows she's outraged or is in such a bad mood that if you dare to interrupt her, she won't hesitate in chopping your head like onions and feed them to the nearest cannibalistic person she finds. But, Rebecca isn't one of my concerns right now for I know I'll apologise and make it up to her instead what scares me is, how am I supposed to explain this to Ron.

Oh you know, just go on like 'I love you Aaron and I wanted to see if you had the same feelings I did. So I went to the playboy of our high school and act as if I was in love with him instead. Because that was the sanest thing I could come up with.' He'd be so proud.

My conscience snaps at me, undoubtedly the umpteenth time today. A moment later I bring myself out of my reverie just to acknowledge that Rebecca wasn't yelling at me anymore, but waiting for me to say something after her horrendous rant about in how many ways I have screwed everything up.

"I am truly sorry Rebbie." The only words I could form after the stunt I pulled.

"Sorry is the last thing I want to hear from you right now Eleanor. Do you have any idea how hurt Ron is? He thinks you lied to him making up that shitty story about meeting your relative and hanging out with him today." Rebecca informs and of course, the tears starts blurring my vision.

"How bad is this?" I ask her and I am sure she picks on my hoarse voice. After a moment of silence, she sighs.

"I get it Eleanor, I know how you feel about Ron, but this isn't the right way to show how madly you're in love with him. This is wrong. We need to talk about this, soon. Don't worry, everything will be alright. Just go see him and apologise for lying to him. The more you delay the apology, the worse it'll get." She says, calmly.

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