Chapter; 9 Explanations. (edited)

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Chapter; 9 Explanations!


It's Wednesday and I feel completely fine its thirty minutes past seven in the morning and I am awake because of the alarm but I feel lucky that I am. Today I'll be going to school because I don't want to miss any more study lessons. I am already slacking. But the thing is when people will see these bruises they'll laugh at me, god why does it have to happen in mid year, when I am supposed to study for exams.

I get up from bed and walk to the bathroom for a quick shower. I only have fifteen minutes before Aaron will come and pick me up for school.

After brushing my teeth and tying my hair into a ponytail letting my fringes cover my bruised fore-head, I put myself into a white and purple striped tee and purple skinny jeans. My outfit goes with white sneakers and purple scarf for hiding the scars on my neck.

I am staring at my vision in the mirror thinking what have this accident turned me into. When I see the time I stand up from my dresser seat, startled and rush downstairs.

In the kitchen I kiss my mom on the forehead, biding goodbyes and grabbing an apple I move out.

I am waiting on my porch for Ron to come. Its forty five minutes past seven and he isn't here. I remember telling him before getting discharged that I'll be coming to school on Wednesday.

Maybe he just forgot about it. I decide to call him and check where he reached.

"Hey, Ron?" I say as soon as he picks up.

"Yeah?" He asks, nonchalantly.

"Where are you? I am outside my house waiting for you to come."

"Uhh... Sorry Ellen but I am at school already, I totally forgot to inform that I'll be driving my girlfriend with me. There won't be enough room for you anymore, why don't you call Rebbie to pick you?" He says as if it's the most random piece of shit he's telling me.

What the actual hell! As far as I can remember he wasn't committed. I could feel my blood boiling.

He don't have space in his car for me? Is this how it's going to be!

"What? Your girlfriend this is news! Who's the luckiest girl in the universe" I snap, sarcasm saturate my words.

"Yes my girlfriend Miranda Garner, remember the pretty girl who was always mistaken as a geek."

He calls Miranda his girlfriend and she's pretty, is he out of his mind?

"Miranda Garner, Seriously? Are you high on drugs Aaron, is this some sort of a joke, swear to God if it is, now is the time to accept it." I ask hopefully.

"Yes Ellen how many times do I have to repeat this? Mandy is my girlfriend. I'll speak with you later, I've got to catch up on her." He says curtly and hangs up the phone.

Nickers already? I see.

How dare he do this to me? While I was unstable he just went to a date and chose a chick for himself. He is not my friend. Why Ron why? My morning can't get any worse.

I think of calling Rebbie but after checking the time I just refused to do so, she must be at school by now. What am I supposed to do?

Why are you getting mad babe? Don't you realise that you, yourself are committed with Austin, and why do you expect people to ask you before hooking up with someone else?

The rational side of me yells.

Yeah right! It's my entire fault and I will have to stand any girl coming in his way, because I lost him before I got him. Tears start to prick my eyes.

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