Ever Changing Eyes

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(Aaron's P.O.V)

I woke up screaming. It's been like that for weeks, getting worse and worse. "Aaron Flame!" I recognised that voice. I turned and saw Missy Farrenheit the scariest sixteen year old in the entire world. "Don't tell mom!" that was all I could say. Missy gave me the evil eye but nodded and left. That's when I realized it was the first day of school. I got ready as fast as I could.

"So what was it this time?"

"That girl with the changing eyes was in it again but this time I was the only one who died." That got her attention because she stopped eating and looked me in the eye, she was really worried.

"Oh no you should probably stay home today." She raised her hand to check my temperature but I stopped her by grabbing her wrist. I was more shocked than she was.

"Aaron Flame!"

Dang it. My mom came in at the wrong moment. Again. "Aaron Flame you let go of Missy right now young man!" Now my mom was screaming. I let go before it got ugly but I think that made it worse.

"Luna Flame you do not speak to him that way! I don't care if he is your son, you hired me two years ago to take care of him and I will!" That shut my mom up faster than usual. I wonder why Missy was freaking out so much.

Not everything is as it seems.

That was weird. I've never been so confused in my life. Missy noticed the look on my and she was about to say something but, then my two best friends Ashley and Roman Johnson got to the house and honked the horn a ton of times.

" Missy and mom I have to go. Bye!" I kissed both of them on the cheeks and ran out of the house. Well I was doomed because not only was Roman driving but he also was driving the pickup.

What's bad with those two things?

There it was again this day was going to get weirder and weirder. I got in the car and Ashley must've known I had another nightmare because she was frowning and she asked me the same thing she asked me when I had the first one.

"What did you see in it?"

"The girl, you two, and I died."

It turns out that she was eating a granola bar and when I said that she nearly choked on it. Roman slammed on the breaks so hard I nearly flew out of my seat belt. They both turned around and I could tell by the look in their eyes that they wanted details.

"I don't know, I'll tell you after school." They looked at each other and gave up.

How do you know.

I guess I freaked out that time because the next thing I knew they were looking at me again and I was blushing. I had to think quick or else I was going to go back home.

Shut up! Get out of my head!!!!

I screamed so loud that Roman and Ashley covered their ears. "Get out of my head!!! Stop answering everything I don't want to now!" I started bursting into tears.

"Hey dude, calm down. Now what are you talking about?" That was Roman. I looked up and wiped my eyes. " N-nothing, I just remembered my dream completely." We started going again but no one spoke a word.

At school something felt....off. I walked into my first class and immediately saw the girl. She looked at me and her green eyes widened. I blinked a few times and when I looked at her again her eyes were blue.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author's Notes: Drama! Lol I didn't even do it on purpose! But, you know.... anyways I love magic and one day I just thought hey why not write a story about it and look I did!!!! Vote plz! :)


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