Mystic Swap

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(Aaron's P.O.V)

When I got home Missy yelled at me. I don't know what she said because I didn't care.

No!!! Release me from your spell!!!

Shut up. I don't care what you want. I'm Aaron now!

I don't wanna be trapped in my own mind watching as I do horrible things!!!

Booohoo. You can't do a thing about it!

Missy will know! So will Ever and my mom.

Ya right. Silence. He stopped talking. I can't believe this idiot is my powerful enemy. I'm gonna win that battle.

While I was in my r-

Its not your room!

Ugh. While I was in Aaron's room I was pretending to do his homework (purposefully answering every question wrong) when Missy came in. That little pesk.

"Aaron!! Weren't you listening when you got home?! I said you better clean your room and then tell me why you were so late today!" She yelled at me.

"Whatever. I don't care," I shrugged it off.

She grabbed my wrist and shrieked at me, "This is not like you! Tell me what's going on with you?!"

I rolled my eyes and pulled my wrist from her grasp. Then I stood up and I slappes her across the face.

No! Don't you touch her!

Shut up!

Missy gasped and ran out of the room.

Aaron? Are you ok?

Ya. Why wouldn't I be?

Well you were acting really weird earlier and I was ju-

I was acting normally you little brat!!!

Ever I didn't mean that! That-

Was completely true!!

Why would you pretend to apologize and then yell at me?!

Because you suck. She stopped talking. I went to sleep at midnight even though there was school tomorrow.


AN: I don't have anything to say this time so keep reading!


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