Life and Death (Part Two)

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(Jace's P.O.V)

End glared at me and I glared back. We dared each other to go first.

I focused on summoning some power, any power. I clenched my fists and punched the air. A ball of fire and water flew at End. I gasped. How's the water not putting out the fire?

End dropped to the ground as soon as the magic hit her. Is she dead?

I walked over and leaned down.

End popped up and grabbed my shirt.

She whispered, "You shouldn't walk up to an enemy especially if you don't know if they're dead."

I saw my shirt disappearing and then I saw I was to. I looked at her and she smiled a deadly smile.

"For your death," she leaned and kissed me on the cheek.

The world went black and then turned into a blazing white.

(Fira's P.O.V)

I twirled and armor appeared on me. If Missy is my opponent then I have to be extra careful. She's got a reputation and I'm not the best fighter.

I stomped my foot and a wall of fire shot towards Missy. She didn't budge.

The fire consumed her but there was no scream, no crackle of burning hair, no sizzle of melting flesh.

Fear filled me. I back up, spun, and stomped. A wall of molten metal grew in front of me and seeped to where Missy was. Still no screams.

I couldn't hear anything. Except my ragid breathing. Missy's coming for me. And I can't stop her!

I backed up again and stomp repeatedly. Fire bursted from the ground like lava. Still nothing.

I backed up again. And walked into something. Or someone.

I turned to see Missy smiling at me.

I screamed.


AN: I just realised the worst thing possible for me. The death level won't be even! Ugh. I'm so stupid sometimes. Oh well. It leans to the winning side so yay! Hope this chapter was long enough! Keep reading!


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