Prophecy of Darkness

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(Aaron's P.O.V)

Ever started explaining the Prophecy of Darkness.

"The prophecy says that a ray of light, aka a good guy, from the family of Flame will be born at the same time as a shade, aka the bad guy, from the family of Black and one will die in a battle against the other. Aaron, your an only child and so is your enemy."

I shook my head and I started to say, "No. I'm not supposed to fight any-" but was interrupted by a flash, a weird feeling, and the fact that we were no longer on the field. We were in darkness. Everything around us was black.

  "I only invited Ever," someone hissed. I looked at the person. A girl our age with red hair, brown eyes, cat ears, and a cat tail.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Lunar. Terrace Black hied me to get rid of Ever so she couldn't interfere with the future fight!" Lunar screamed as she shot a ball of sparkly black magic at Ever. But it missed her and hit me instead. The world went black as I fell to the ground and I felt my life disappear.


AN: Dun dun dun!!! I don't know what else to say so keep reading.


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