Life and Death (Part One)

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(Ever's P.O.V)

I was the unlucky person who got to fight Mandy. But I've fought mystics before. Maybe this'll be a piece of ca-

Mandy pounced and sunk her teeth into my shoulder. I screamed. Her bite hurts more then a thousand deaths!

(Mandy's P.O.V)

Ever's blood seeped through my teeth. The girl was so easy to attack and now she's just standing still.

A weak Guardian means a weak Battler. Terrace will win!

Suddenly Ever turned and looked at me. Her eyes were blood red. Wait what?! A moment ago they were blue! I was caught of guard and she grabbed my hair. She pulled me off and threw me.

(Trina's P.O.V)

Bane turned into a wolf and jumped at me, aiming for my throat.

"You're an idiot!" I sang as I smacked him.

Bane was sent flying and I chased after him. When I caught up to him, still flying, I jumped up and summoned a sword of thorns and crystals.

As the sword went through his chest he howled in pain. I laughed at his reaction. Everyone reacted like that when my sword pierced their skin. I may be good but I do enjoy the suffering of others, usually they're bad, why else would I have been in an insane asylum when I was transported.


AN: I bet you guys are wondering why the twins are there when they aren't Guardians. Well they transported themselves but they aren't fully there. Just their spirits. Don't worry they're still alive. Some good guys will die next. I can't kill just bad people. Fates have been sealed! And the character most like me is Trina! I don't enjoy the suffering of others and I'm in a normal house but I'm my own kind of psycho! Keep reading!


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