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(Aaron's P.O.V)

"WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!" I heard myself say.

"Magic." Ever grinned as she said that. It was so creepy.

Ashley's eyes sparkled as she asked, "Wanna be friends?"

Should I say yes? She seems like a psychopath.

She is. But you should say yes and become friends with Roman.

What about you?

I.....uh.....OK. You don't have to be my friend. Especially since you almost killed me!!!

"I'd love to be your friend!!! You seem.....uh....interesting." Ever sang, "And you too Roman!!!"

Roman grinned and then punched my shoulder, "What about him?" She shrugged as a response, pretending that she didn't really care but she was smirking. Hmm.....

"NOT THE TROPHIES!!!! YOU LITTLE PESTS ARE GONNA PAY!!!! YOU'LL BE EXPELLED!!! EXPELLED!!!!" I guess the teacher was back. I wanted to disappear. I truly wish I never had woken up today.

Chill out. I have a plan. I'll tackle her and you'll knock he o-

"Calm down Mary. I'm sure it wasn't their fault, it's not like they can make things explode" If only she knew "Now how did this happen?" The principal had saved us and now we're in trouble. How are we gonna explain this?

"A bird came in and I caught it on fire with a match on accident and it flew into the trophy case and.....we put it out but couldn't save them." Ever made a quick save right then.

Told you I had a plan. This was a backup.


You saw right through that?! How?!

I don't know. Felt like you were.

(Ever's P.O.V)

I know that he thought it was a guess but I also know that there was more to it. But what?

Ever? What are you thinking about?

Nothing. It doesn't matter. We aren't in trouble anymore. Plus it's time to go home.

OK. I guess.

And with that we all left. Ashley, Roman, and Aaron went home together and I went home alone. Three friends. New personal record.


AN: So sorry about not updating for a long time!! I had made a new friend and I was busy helping her write Rose, an amazing story and its on wattpad so read it, and then my tablet broke so ya. DRAMA!!! I seriously don't try. Keep reading!!


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