After the Battle

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(Ever's P.O.V)

I watched Aaron. He was doing his class work. The teacher was saying something to me but I'm to concerned about Aaron to listen.

One of his blue eyes had turned green and some of his brown hair had turned blond.

He looked up at me but I could tell that he didn't know who I was. Missy had gotten rid of his memories with magic. Of course that got rid of his memories of me.

Missy said not to talk to him telepathically. And I'm not gonna walk up to him and say hi. It would be awkward pretending to have never met him.

But this was the only way to save Aaron.

I looked at Roman. He was laughing at something and by the looks of Elizabeth, who was covered in spit balls, he was being himself again. Missy erased his memory. But it was because he couldn't stand the thought that he couldve saved Ashley. Missy told him that Ashley was killed by some psycho that caught her while she was walking home from the store.

I avoid Roman as well.

I looked at the twins. They both looked at me with sympathy. Missy didn't erase their memories because there was no reason.

She didn't erase my memories because I said that someone other then her, Yin, and Yang needed to know the story.

  But the truth is, I don't want to forget all my friends. Even if only two know who I am.

Aaron looked back at his work. I looked back at the teacher.

After class I started to walk home. I wish that Aaron hadn't needed to fight. Wait! I forgot I'm supposed to talk to Missy today!

I turned and started running to Aaron's house. I bursted through the door.

Missy jumped out of the way, "Ever! You should be more careful!"

I stopped and fixed my ponytail *I'm sorry. I just forgot about meeting you and freaked out. Now what did you want to talk to me about?"

She smiled, "I think it's time for you to meet Aaron."

"I don't understand."

She grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the kitchen.

Aaron stood with the fridge open. He turned and looked directly at me. I felt my face turn bright red.

Missy beamed, "Aaron this is Ever Change. Ever this is Aaron Flame."

She let go of me, "I hope you two get along!" She left the kitchen.

Aaron closed the fridge, "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah. Nice to meet you to."

He smiled, "Your eyes seem to change color. Can you do magic or something," he laughed.

If only he remembered.

His eyes widened.

Oh god. Is there something behind me?

I turned around and saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Ever? Are you the voice in my head?

I turned quickly.

He can hear me?! Oh god. I broke my promise. Missy is gonna kill me!

Missy? Promise? What are you talking.....or thinking.....about?

Ask Missy.

I will!

Aaron ran out of the room. I ruined everything!

He came back a bit later.


I looked up at him, "What?"

I thought that I would never win, but I did.

He walked close to me.

Aaron.....she told you....?

Yes. And I'm glad she did.

He leaned and placed his forehead against mine. My face burned with blush.



I kissed him and then stepped back.

You can't tell Roman about the battle. It broke his heart knowing that he could've saved Ashley.

I won't.

I smiled, "See you at school tomorrow!" I turned and started walking.


I started walking home.

I wonder what our next adventure will be.....

Whatever it is, it'll be interesting because

Not everything is as it seems.

The End.


AN: What did you guys think of my story?


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