Let the Battle Commence

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(Ever's P.O.V)

Terrace had planned this! That means.......this is their battle! One of them will leave this realm and I depend on Aaron for me leaving to.

I'm one of his Guardians. Obviously Lunar was one of Terrace's. I wonder who the other Guardians are.

The last battle of light and dark was the family of Magic and Shade. Wait Magic?! That's why Yin and Yang knew about the Prophecy of Darkness. Who were the Guardians? Moon....Change....Night....Flame?! Well, Magic lost so the twins are trying to help Aaron to not share that fate.

Terrace lifted his hand and streams of sparkly darkness hit Aaron. He shook and a large amount of his red light magic went at Terrace.

It seems that when Aaron shakes he uses magic and when Terrace lifts his hand his magic is used. Interesting.

I pointed at Terrace and a large ball of fire shot at him. It can't kill him but it will hurt so much that he gets to distracted to hit Aaron again.

Terrace screamed and flew sideways. Aaron swayed side to side.

"Aaron, focus! He can't hit you for awhile! And when he can, look out for when he lifts his hand up!!" I screamed.

He shook his head and shook again. I held my breathe because nothing was happening.

Terrace stood up and lifted his hand. Aaron stopped shaking and then Missy appeared next to me.

"He signaled to all of his Guardians of this danger," She snarled.

All of his Guardians?! Who are the others?!

"So you need help to get a chance to get me? Well then I have to even things out," Terrace growled and pointed his hand up.

Suddenly a girl with black hair and red eyes appeared. She was obviously a mystic. They are a mysterious race of magik and can do different things depending on their side. She grinned evilly and revealed sharp fangs.

The twins appeared along with Ashley, Roman, and some other people.

For some reason Terrace told everyone to announce who they were. The mystic turned out to be Mandy Death.

On the light side was Missy, Ashley, Roman, me, Trina Day, Zach Blu, and Jace Life.

Trina had long, braided, red hair and sparkly green eyes. It turned out that she was also a mystic.

Zach had golden hair that fell into his golden eyes. He had water and wind abilities.

Jace had short, silver hair and blue eyes. He didn't say what he was. So he either didn't know what he was or it wasn't specific.

On the dark side was Mandy, End Moon, Tera Demon, Bane Blood, Fira Steel, and Elliot Night.

End had long, blood red hair amd deep red eyes. She didn't know exactly what happens when she uses her magic.

Tera had short, frizzy, brown hair and chocolate eyes. Her abilities were earth based.

Bane had sandy blonde hair that fell into his muddy brown eyes. He was a werewolf.

Fira had red hair and silver eyes. She used fire and metal magic.

And finally Elliot had black hair that fell into his ocean blue eyes. He said that he thought he was human but being here proved him wrong.

Most of these people descended from those who were Battlers or Guardians.

Everyone got into battle position (other than Ashley, Roman, and Elliot who had all run off really far so that they didn't get hurt) and Aaron shook.

Terrace raised his hand.


AN: I've started another story! It's called Elements! Well keep reading!


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