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During Health. We were watching dis movie and there was dis part when dis random girl was kinda having a asthma attack. So her father took her to the hospital.

Random Girl: *Trying to breath and cries*

Random man: *Fake cough* *Fake cough*

Nurse:  *Comes in and begins taking to Random man*

Random Girl's Dad: *Walks up to the nurse* You got to help my daughter.

Nurse: Sorry, but I got to help this man.

Random Girl's Dad: But she can breath--

Nurse: Let me do my job please.

*Random Guy and Random Girl have a staring contest* 

Random Guy: *Stands up* Nurse, you got to help this child!

Nurse: *Panics* I need to see my supervisor.

Random Guy: No! You are going to stay here and help her! You're the supervisor now.

Nurse: ...

Random Guy: You're still here?! *Pulls out a gun and shoots at the floor*

Everyone nearby: *Falls to the ground*

Random Guy: *Keeps shooting and moving like a fish with a seizure*  

Random Guy's new name is Fish. Then he went to jail. Logic! Brilliant!

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