Something thats been bothering me for a while

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So remember how Dark Pit joined the forces of nature

Now I'm secretly thinking that he joined before Chapter 25 (When Pit finally fights Hades).

He has a lot of off screen interactions with Viridi. For example:

1. Ch. 22: When Viridi caught him when he almost fell to his death

2. All of the ending

3. Ch. 20: Viridi has no reply to Dark Pit's attempt to break into the Chaos Vortex

But then a few second after I post this, people are going to be like

"Viridi said that Dark Pit joined her 'now.' As in he just joined."

Well whatever. Do what you want. It's just an idea.

And it bothers me how everyone complained that Dark Pit joined the Forces of Nature. They say things like "YOU WERE INDEPENDENT" "YOU SERVED NO BODY."

Well even tough he doesn't serve someone now, it's better than basically being on the streets. Dark Pit is 5 years old with no valuable education and no proof of his age. He can take care of himself, but not well. He physically can't truly buy food or a place to stay. And food and shelter just doesn't come to you. To me, Dark Pit's decision to join the Forces of Nature and the most independent thing he has ever done.

Plus, people thought that Dark Pit was going to join Viridi before Sm4sh anyway. But when that time comes, everyone hates him for it. Same thing can be said for his place in the roster. People rant about him in the beginning, but then (as of YouTube) I see him being played as more than Pit.

People are bipolar man

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