3 Kid Icarus Ideas

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This is not related to the lack of kid Icarus games and the need of one on the Switch. This is related to my fanfic ideas that I had for over a month ago. These will be brief because I explained them too many times to count.

1) Buring Wax

Buring Wax is JjNjBd4h88Hg46hH7tEe85

2) Misguided

Palutena discovers a reset bomb has blown up nearby. So they attack Viridi to figure out that she never had reset bombs in the first place (not since after the events of KIU). They figure out that the reset bomb was detonated in the same place as chapter 12. They think it's the god of time trying to trick them so they visit him. They ask for his motives. He believes that all the gods are corrupt and he should kill them all in order to start anew. The group convince him to stop it only if one of the angels pass a test. They choose Dark Pit because Pit relies too much in Palutena.

Dark Pit is put in a reality where he is one of the bad guys for one hour. If he does anything that helps his side, time will reset. Time will keep resetting until the hour is up. Every time he fails, his sanity depletes. If he goes insane, he fails. What would happen then?

3) No name for this one

I have a tiny head cannon: After a mission in the forces of nature, Dark Pit is allowed to wonder around however he likes before he comes back. He would visit the neighboring towns to check if they were affected. That's where he made friends of all ages and sizes.
One day the town was attacked and his closest friends died. The remaining villagers retreated to a nearby town and their home was never fixed.

A little bit later, Pit, Palutena, Viridi, and Dark Pit return to the town and the dark angel can barley even look at the place without being disturbed.

So that's about it. We kewl?

True Stories 2: The Return of Randomnessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें