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This chapter will frustrate you many, many times. You're welcome(:


I don't want to go to school today. I'll admit that I don't want to face Dustin. He's rarely the one to be mad and hold grudges, so it just feels so weird. He must really like Max if he's choosing her over us. I can't be mad about that, though, I'd do the same with El.

"Mike, will you eat breakfast this morning?" My mom asked, her arms crossed. I shook my head as I pulled my coat on. She sighed, but didn't say anything as she walked back into the kitchen.

Bye, love you, too, Mom.

I left the house slowly, as always. Maybe a bit slower today, I really don't want to face Dustin. Because I'm not apologizing, and he knows it. It makes it awkward.

I pushed my bike out of the garage and looked around. It's only seven, so it's still pitch dark out. I prefer it like this, I feel most comfortable in the dark.



It's so dark, I hate the dark. I don't know how much longer I can take this.



The ride is boring, but I don't mind. I'd rather be riding around than at school. I don't pay attention much in school anymore. I just don't want to, it seems so unimportant. Everything does nowadays.

Soon, though, I reached the school and had to face reality. I did spot Dustin, right away. It's hard not to spot him when he's standing next to a red head. That owns a bright blue coat. And is too adorable to be innocent.

I walked forward when I noticed Will and Lucas were with them. It won't be as bad with them there. At least I hope it won't.

"Hey, Mike!" Max cheered, and I just gave her a fake smile.

"Hello, Max. Sorry I was so harsh, it was wrong of me," I spoke up, changing my mind in that split second. I didn't intend on apologizing, but wouldn't it benefit me? If she thinks I'm cool with her, I'm sure it'll make things easier.

I looked at her and caught the end of her glaring at me, which sent a chill down my spine. Why was she glaring at me? And why did it affect me so seriously?

I had to ignore it, though, because the bell rang. Will, Lucas, and I glanced at each other uneasily as Dustin and Max led the way into the school. Something is definitely going on, we now know that for sure.


I don't eat much, I'm just not hungry anymore. I also don't shower as often, but my mom is getting hysterical. There's lots of tension between us, but I don't want her going insane.

So, I ate my dinner. Now I'm on my way to take a shower. I don't know what it is about the shower, but it makes me feel even worse. I guess because it's the one time that I'm positive I'm alone and positive no one will walk in on me.

I share a bathroom with Nancy, but I've started locking the door during my showers. I always check the door to make sure it won't budge, as well. I know someone could unlock it if they had to, so I'm not too worried about getting injured and having no one to help. If I truly needed help, it's actually rather easy to unlock the door.

I got my clothes before getting a towel and walking into the bathroom. I closed the door, locked it, and tested it. It's firm, it won't budge.

I started the water and waited for the right temperature. I glanced around at the mess, and rolled my eyes. Nancy needs to learn how to clean up after herself.

Sharing a bathroom with your older sister sucks. Well, most of the time. She has some things that I don't have yet.
And they're very useful things.


edit, 5-6-19: This writing is still bland but at least I now have an excuse-Mike is bland. His thoughts are bland and his life is bland. So that makes for a bland story(at the beginning ofc, dw y'all)

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