Seventy Nine pt.2 --Bonus Chapter--

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As always, I can't proof read tonight. Enjoy, anyway, and ignore any mistakes!


"Max! They'll be here any second!" I yelled up the stairs, and she yelled back, telling me to shut up. I laughed, tapping my foot impatiently by the door. When there was finally a loud knock, I rushed over. I was met with everyone, even Erin and Lauren.

"Wassup Wheeler?" Lucas cheered, making me cringe.

"Nothing, and please never say that again." I laughed, him joining in.

"Good idea. Where's Pippi Longstocking?" he asked next, and we immediately started laughing.

"Call me that again, and you're gonna get it, Sinclair," she threatened, randomly showing up on the stairs. Her threat was not empty, but she wasn't actually mad.

"Sorry, Gingersnap, couldn't help it," he replied, making her glare at him.

"Cut it out." Dustin laughed, smacking Lucas's arm lightly. We all calmed down, heading down into the basement. Of course, they just had to get presents for us, no matter how much we objected. Will and El have been quiet since they got here, making me worry a bit.

"You ok?" I asked El, walking up to her. She smiled and nodded, but still seemed out of it. "No you aren't, what's wrong?" I whispered, and she glanced slowly over at Will.

"Mike, I'm fine. Just nervous about the party," she whispered slowly, giving me a small smile. It was fake, but I couldn't push her. And I believed that it was nothing bad, it's just something that Will knows about. That much is obvious, but again, I can't push either of them to tell me.

"Mike! Let's do presents right away," Max suggested excitedly, making me nod and walk over. She looked at me for a second with intense eyes, then smiled to herself. 'I can be your spy and figure out what they're hiding.' I heard her in my head, and smiled a bit. I looked at her, then shook my head quickly.

"Stop sharing secrets and open!" Erin scolded, making me laugh and turn to the surprising amount of gifts. Nine, it looked like, which is more than I expected there to be. Will jumped up, grabbing two presents and smiling sheepishly as he handed them to both of us.

"Those are from me and Lauren, we worked together on them. They're conjoined, and both are for both of you," he explained, smiling lightly at me. I smiled back, then looked down at my present. Max and I opened them simultaneously, sharing a quick glance. I was met with a framed picture of Max and I, from a couple weeks ago. It was just us sitting next to each other and laughing, but it was a great picture.

I looked over to Max's, and my mouth dropped open. It was the same picture, except drawn in detail. It was nearly exact, and I didn't know how to react.

"I took the picture, then Will drew it. I thought it was perfect," Lauren spoke up kinda quietly, and we thanked them for a while. I couldn't get over the detail and thoughtfulness of it, but I moved on anyway. We have lots planned for tonight, and we wanna get started as soon as possible.

"Should we go next?" Erin asked Lucas, and he nodded. She turned to us, smiling. "We shared gifts, as well. Lucas thought of Max's, and I thought of Mike's. But we both helped get them," she explained, Lucas standing up to grab the presents. We all laughed lightly when he picked up the-clearly visible-basketball, then pretended to shield it from Max's vision. He did a big reveal, and Max let out a fake gasp.

"A basketball! I would've never guessed!" she cheered in false surprise, making everyone laugh again. "But seriously, how'd you know to get a basketball? It's my favorite sport." She smiled, and Lucas shrugged.

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