Thirty Eight

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Sorry this is so short, I just think it needed to end where it did. You'll probably agree♥️
Exciting chapter up next, anyway!😊🖤
ps. Sadie made me cry last night because of how beautiful she is. I'm trash


I woke up slowly, the pain in my legs is excruciating. The first thing I noticed was how soaked my bandages were, and I knew I had to clean and change them before I got it on my bed.

Cleaning cuts is painful, but in a different way. It's not at all pleasant. Sure, it's bearable after building up a tolerance to pain, but it still sucks.

My mom made me eat another granola bar, and it was ok. I felt a bit sick, but when do I not? I also drank some juice, mostly to help with my blood. Doesn't that help? They make you do that in the hospital.

I rode to school slowly, still arriving quite early. I was hoping to have to go to class immediately when I got here, but I have a good twenty minutes. How did I manage that?

Every day, as always, I spotted Max first. I can't decide whether I like her hair or not. It's bright and pretty, but also kind of obnoxious. I could easily find her in a crowd, that's for sure.

I walked slowly over to everyone, giving a small smile when they looked over at me. I wish I knew how to make it look convincing, but I don't and I already had them looking at me funny.

"What?" I asked with a nervous tone, and it was in that moment that I realized what was going on. I looked over at Max and she looked a bit zoned out, but not enough for anyone else to notice, because it's not something they're looking for. I noticed it.

"Mike, that's..." she started, then glanced at everyone else. "Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?" she asked, and I nodded reluctantly. That's better than her outing both me and herself.

We walked away from the group, with everyone giving us weird looks. I know how weird it must look to see Max and I cooperating together, but I think that's better than having her as an enemy.

"Mike, what were you thinking? Those are really bad," she scolded, her eyes once again glazed over as she most likely examined my memory of it.

"Max, please don't look at-"

"Mike, what the hell?" she suddenly burst out, making me flinch. She looked at me angrily, and I just glared back.

"It's none of your business what I do, ok? Get out of my head, Max, and stay out," I ordered, starting to walk away, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Mike, you need to stop this. It won't make things better, and soon you'll be doing it deeper. Mike, I-I think you need to tell someone," she rushed out, and I turned away so she couldn't see my face.

"I did tell someone, Max. Then I ruined things and you know what he did? He ignored my call when he knew damn well why I was calling. I'm done telling people," I spoke through gritted teeth, then yanked my arm away and walked towards the school doors.

I'm done.

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