Fifty One

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This is insanely late, I'm sorry! I'm not proof reading, I want to get this out ASAP.
Also, I just gave Max a random last name lol

edit, 6-21-18: Tea time: I like my Max better than canon Max, even though canon Max is my favorite character as well. Fight me, Suffer Brothers


It's been a few days, and I'm still worrying. I'm still confused. Max obviously had something going on, she somehow knew what I said. And she scared me, truly, her ice cold stare chilled me deeply. She obviously knows about Eleven, which just adds on to my suspicions.

I was deep in thought when there were loud knocks on my door, and I called for them to come in. To my surprise, it was Dustin and Will. No Lucas or Mike, so I assume Mike didn't want to come.

"Is everything ok?" I asked, and they glanced at each other.

"I don't think so." Dustin shook his head, so I motioned for him to continue. "Well, after we all left to go home the other day, I was talking to Max about all of the secrets she was hiding. At first she said she couldn't tell me, but then she said she could if we left. But I was stubborn and didn't listen, and then her dad called her inside. The way she was rushing to leave just felt...weird. And then she went inside her house, looking sort of scared. Now, she...she hasn't been at school since then," he explained in almost one breath, and my eyebrows furrowed.

"She hasn't been at school? Do you think her parents are keeping her home from now on?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"No, I...well, I talked to my dad and he helped me get her a radio, I wanted to be able to talk to her at night." He blushed, and I chuckled lightly. He really likes her, and I can't decide whether it's cute or silly.

"Ok, so she's not answering her radio, either. Do you want me to check it out?" I asked, and he gave me wide eyes.

"I didn't come here to chat!" he spoke sarcastically, and I rolled my eyes.

"Go to school, I'll head over to her house and check," I ordered, and they nodded, slowly leaving. I sighed, rubbing my face repeatedly. These kids will be the death of me.

I stood up, picking up my hat and placing it on my head. I then got my keys and my coat, heading out to my car. I told Flo I'd only be a few minutes, and she just waved me off. Once in my car, I started thinking again.

If Max knows where Eleven is, why hasn't she just told us? Is it a case where her family has Eleven, and she's too scared to tell anyone? Did she get in trouble for trying to tell Dustin?

These thoughts had me driving faster, and I was at her house in minutes. I got out of my car, trying to be calm and make it look like I'm not rushing. I went to the door, knocking heavily and waiting for someone to open the door. It wasn't long before the door opened and I met a warm smile.

"Hello, Mrs. Reid. I just stopped by to see if your daughter, Max, is alright. The school asked me to come check, they said she hasn't been to school for a few days," I lied smoothly, and she smiled even wider.

"She's fine! She just went out with her brother and father the other day, then yesterday and today she's been feeling sick again. Seems like a bug is going around," she replied smoothly, and I literally could not argue. I thanked her, and she nodded before closing the door. I can't argue with that for a few more days, at the least.

I walked back to my car, and drove back to the station. My mind is still racing, I still can't figure out what to do. No matter what idea or plan I have, it's always shot down in some way. And that was only proven more when I got to the station.

I walked inside and was met with the biggest storm I've ever seen. I've never seen the station this hectic, not even when Lucy went missing, who is seven.

"What's going on?" I called out loudly, and I was quickly met with Mrs. Wheeler, her sobs loud.

"My daughter is gone! She's only four, she's just a baby! She's just a baby..." she trailed off after yelling loudly, and I quickly tried to calm her down. It didn't really work.

"Was she outside alone? Was she bleeding like the other girls?" I rushed out, and she shook her head.

"No, she wasn't bleeding. She wasn't even outside!" she yelled, and my eyebrows furrowed.

"She wasn't outside?" I asked, and she shook her head again.

"I left her in the living room alone for not even five minutes. She was just...gone," she breathed out, and I stared at her with big eyes. "But I did see the lights flicker a bunch, which made me go to check on her."

"Let's go to your house," I said calmly, and we left in a hurry.

What is going on in this town?


Well shit

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