Character Ask pt.2 Answers!

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Helloooo, everyone!! The answers are finally here! I'm so excited to share them, because I worked so hard on them(I ramble a lot in my answers, sorry).

I'm gonna get right to it, but I first want to say
1. Happy birthday to my best friend and wonderful daughter, destinyy011 !! I love you so much, and this is present #2!
2. All questions were answered literally, so don't get annoyed if you didn't get a straight forward answer😂
And 3. If you read an answer and have an extended question, comment on that answer! I'll gladly respond to your new question as the same character! And if you have new questions that you didn't think of before, comment those as well! I'll answer any additional questions you all have.

Ok, I think that's it! Enjoy, everyone!!


Do you still have the bracelet El gave you?
Of course! I don't plan on taking it off anytime soon.

Would you ever buy a pet with El?
If she wants, one, yes! Anything she wants, too.

If you could save five of all your friends, who would you save?
Do I have to answer this...? El, Max, Lucas, Will, and Dustin. I love Erin and Lauren, but I've known them the least amount of time. That's one evil question!

Max or El?
You people have some very evil questions. Life or death situation...El. *frowns*

Since you did have small feelings for Will, are you questioning your sexuality?
Uh, no. Not really. I don't think about that.

Are you going to propose to El in the future?
*blushes* I plan to, yes.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Well, I'll be 24! I'm not sure, really, but I know I'll be with El. No matter what.

Are you going to tell El after what happened with Will? She deserves to know.
No, nothing happened. There's nothing to tell.

Can you nOt beat yourself up, you are a beautiful being and we (the fangirls) love you
Also, why do you keep breaking up fangirls, it's not funny please stoppp
I have too much to beat myself up over. And sorry? I don't try to?

This isn't a question, but I wanted to say something.
*clears throat*
Okay, Michael. You are an amazing person with a kind soul and a great heart, stop beating yourself up over things that aren't your fault!! I love you, so does Max, and El, and everyone else who's involved with your life. Baby, please don't be hurting, because it hurts us too!♥️
It is my fault. All of it was, everything that went wrong. I could've prevented all of it, but I didn't even try. I know everyone loves me, but it doesn't excuse what I did. I deserve the pain.

Do you ever regret what happened with Will *cries* now that El is back?
No, because nothing even happened.

If you had to paint a painting to sum up your love for Eleven, what would you paint?
The galaxy, making sure to include all of it's stars.

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