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Chapter Been a crazy ride so far, and we haven't even gotten to the crazy stuff yet. Love you all(:


I bounced my leg up and down, my nerves going wild. I looked down at Holly, and she was bouncing along with my leg, looking at me with confused eyes. I stopped moving my leg, giving her an apologetic smile.

"What's wrong?" she asked, looking straight again at Adrianna and Jennifer. I followed her gaze, and watched as Adrianna drew on a giant piece of paper. Lauren is asleep, they made her conjure up paper and a bunch of pens. I've never seen a nose bleed that much, she basically passed out, which made me mad. They're risking her safety and damaging her body for this.

"I'm just tired," I told Holly, and she looked at me again. She smiled wide, making me smile back. She cheers me up so easily.

"Ok, and this is the police station. That's where you're going," I heard Adrianna say, and I looked away from Holly, frowning once again. Jennifer is a pretty fragile girl, and we're sending her on this ginormous task to basically save us all. I guess the only good part about it is that she'll be the first one out.

From what Adrianna has told us, it seems that we're in exactly what it looks like. A replica of our town, just dark and empty and cold. We're upside down, actually, the town is above us. That's why we can hear when they yell for us, I'm just not sure why they can't hear us.

It wasn't long before everyone stood up, and Adrianna walked over to a sleeping Lauren.

"She needs to wake up, we need more stuff," she stated simply, and I shook my head while standing up, picking Holly up so she could rest on my hip. She's heavy, yes, but it's bearable.

"Adrianna, you'll kill her. You saw how much her nose bled, and it'll only be worse this time," I rushed out, and she looked over at me like I'm dumb.

"I'll have Emma heal her, it's fine. Lauren has plenty of time to rest and heal, Jennifer will need to heal in less than an hour and be able to run to the station. We need Lauren to give her food and drinks or this will never work out," Adrianna lectured, and I rolled my eyes, but didn't reply. There's no arguing with Adrianna, because she can pull the knowledge card on you.

After waking Lauren up, I watched as she struggled and looked in pain, but made the food and drink appear. Her nose continued to gush blood as she once again passed out, making Emma run up and immediately start to heal her. The entire process was sad, but I guess it had to be done.

Before I knew it, Jennifer was stuffing her hand drawn map into the inside of her coat, and was clutching her food and drink. She looked terrified, but determined. I talked to her the other night about this and she said she wants to, because it would be the first pure of heart thing she's ever done. It made me smile.

We walked her to the tree, all of us dead silent. Once we were there, we all said goodbye and gave hugs. Adrianna gave a few more words of encouragement and more directions, Jennifer nodding along. She stepped back and held her items to her chest, squeezing her eyes shut tight. She focused, and she disintegrated.

She was out.


Short and lame. But things are happening, guys, that was the first step to saving the girls. And El.

Important question: What POV do you guys want to see next?(:

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