Sixty Eight

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I sat at the table awkwardly, fiddling with my fingers and looking at my mom. She was crying, and I don't think she's gonna stop anytime soon. My dad isn't home, he's out with a few policemen searching for Nancy and Holly. I kinda wish he was home for this, but I don't blame him for being out and searching. I just wish I wasn't alone with my mom as she cries hysterically.

I started to get really antsy, but then the phone started ringing. I glanced at my mom before deciding to get it myself. I stood up and rushed over to it, taking it off the hook and putting it to my ear.


"Mike? Come to the station, now. Don't tell your parents, just come," Will's voice leaked through the receiver, and that's all I heard before he hung up. I pulled it away from my ear slowly and looked at it, then to my mom. She looked over at me as I practically slammed the phone down onto the hook. She jumped a bit, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Mom, I-I need to go. I'll be back, ok? Just...I'll be back!" I yelled as I turned around and ran to the door. I didn't even put a coat on, I just swung the door open and ran out at full speed.

I left my bike in the front yard earlier, so I just picked it up and hopped on, riding down my driveway and in the direction of the station. As I pedaled as fast as I possibly could, I couldn't figure out what they needed me for. At the station? That makes zero sense. Maybe at the gate...



I stared at the door blankly, my mouth a bit open. I was crying, and at this point I was crying so hard that no sound came out. I didn't move a muscle, and no tears came. I could barely breathe, I was just trying to force a sound out. Anything.
But I couldn't, I was in too much pain.

How long have I been sitting here? Just staring at the door? When I turned to look at the clock, it had been about an hour. Then, I proceeded to stare at the clock and watch the seconds tick by. The only thing that snapped me out of the funk was the sound of the front door opening again.

I turned to see Ted, soaking wet. He took his shoes and coat off, hung up his coat, set his flashlight down. He looked up at me and we met eyes, where he looked almost as bad as me.

"They aren't out there, Karen. Where are they?" He spoke in a manic tone, and I took in a deep breath, closing my eyes tight. I shook my head as I felt tears start to drip down my face again.

"I don't know, Ted. Mike left, he didn't say where to. Is on something?" I asked, sounding insane but feeling so logical. It was silent for a minute.

"He definitely knows what's going on. I don't think he's in on them going missing, I just think he knows where they are," Ted replied, walking in and grabbing my hand. He made me stand up, where he brought me into a tight hug. "Nancy and Holly going missing wasn't random, the same thing has happened to seven other girls. It happened to Will last year. I have full confidence they'll be found, and I have a strong feeling Mike is out there saving them. Yes, he shouldn't be, but he is.

"You know that thing you talk about? That motherly instinct? I'm having a fatherly instinct right now. Mike is a fighter, Karen, that's been proven time and time again. Remember when he was nine, and fell off the playground and broke his arm? I remember him looking up at me and saying 'I'll be ok, Dad. I'll always be ok.'" I started crying full on again, my smile big. "He doesn't let anything hold him back. He's out there saving his sisters, and we just need to let him."

"You're right, you're definitely right." I nodded, sniffing and pulling away from the hug to wipe at my eyes. Ted smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"Our girls are close. I can feel it."


Kinda short but I LOVED this. Karen and Ted get a lot of shit, and I wanted to shed some light on that.
Not only is Karen falling apart, but Ted cares just as much as her. He's no less of a parent just because he loves chicken and can't contribute to family conversations well. He loves and misses his girls. And he recognizes Mike's strength.
Karen and Ted are incredible.

edit, 6-27-19: ^^why did this author's note make me tear up??
I love this chapter. I love Karen and Ted(my Karen and Ted) because they know and they care and they're going through SO MUCH yet they let their son go out and save his sisters without even questioning him.
I love them. I love my characters and I'm not afraid to admit it.

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