Seventy Four

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As I neared the clearing, I stopped running, literally gasping for air. I turned around to see El a few yards behind me, so I took in a giant breath before jogging over to her. Dustin had already entered the clearing, and I could hear him yelling.

"El, you ok?" I rushed out, finally reaching her. She was leaning against a tree, breathing heavily.

"Yeah, just tired." She nodded, pushing herself away from the tree and wobbling a bit. I frowned at her, hurrying to her side. I helped steady her, not thinking much of it. But she did, glancing down at my hands. I did, as well, noticing they were on her hips. I pulled them away, looking back up at her face. I looked into her eyes, which were open wide.

"Chief, stop!" Dustin's voice boomed, making us both jump. We shared one last glance, then ran in the direction of the clearing. Once there, all I truly noticed was Dustin yelling at Chief, who was standing over Max's body.

"What's going on?" I yelled, approaching them both. I looked down, noticing the big hole in the ground. "Chief, what are you doing?" I spoke quietly, looking up at him with wide eyes.

"Kid, listen. Both of you. We can't bring her out into the open without questions. We can't have a funeral, none of that. We can get away with all of this as long as we keep all evidence on the down low," he explained, and my face contorted a bit.

"You want to bury her like this? No casket, nothing?" I asked, and he sighed while nodding.

"No! I won't let you!" Dustin yelled loud again, throwing a bit of a fit.

"That's messed up, Chief. She deserves a proper burial," I spoke firmly, and he looked a bit angry.

"So did all the people she murdered, ok? This is the only way," he demanded, continuing to dig the hole. We all tried to argue, but he wasn't listening.

"Wait! Chief, wait!" a fourth voice yelled, and we all turned to see...Adrianna?

"What do you want?" I asked in a disgusted tone, and she rolled her eyes as she approached.

"Don't do anything yet, Chief, there's a solution," she practically begged, literally shoving me out of the way. "Just five more minutes."

"What are you talking about? Step back, there's no solution," he snapped, once again getting ready to dig.

"No, you don't understand-" Adrianna began to speak again, but we all stopped when the shovel was ripping from Chief's hands. He looked at it as it flew over to El. I looked at her with big eyes, and she looked angry.

"Wait," she spoke firmly, her tone deep and demanding. Chief looked at her for a second, then raised his hands in the air, bending at the elbows. He stepped away from the hole, making El drop the shovel. We stood in silence, everyone glancing at each other. I looked down at Max, my eyebrows furrowing in thought.

They say when one of us dies, we don't fully leave.

What does that mean? That Max is still here somehow? Does that have to do with Adrianna's 'solution'?

Next thing I know, I hear rustling again. We all turn to look at the trees, where Nancy and Holly emerge. My face contorts in confusion.


"Now, what's this about? It took too much energy to convince my mom to let me bring Holly here. This better be good," she demanded, looking thoroughly annoyed. Adrianna approached them immediately.

"Trust me, ok?" I heard her whisper, holding her hands out. Nancy hesitated, but handed Holly over. Adrianna whispered to her as she walked over, and Holly only nodded.

"What're you doing?" Dustin asked, obviously weary, seeing as they approached Max.

"Your sister has a gift, Mike. She's...Emma. Only more powerful," she stated simply, and I actually lost my breath. There's no way.

But Holly followed along, sitting on the ground and putting both hands on Max's heart. She focused, a small smile on her face. We all watched in complete silence for more than a minute, before Holly stood back up and walked over to Nancy. Nancy picked her back up, and we all watched Max patiently.

Then, her eyes slowly opened.

"There's no way," Chief mumbled as we all watched.

"Max?" Dustin whispered, and her bright blue eyes shifted to meet his. She looked at him for a second, then opened her mouth as if to speak.

"Dustin?" she forced out, then coughed a bit. He cried out in joy, dropping to his knees in order to help her sit up. She did, slowly, and I hadn't moved a muscle. I can't believe my eyes. Max is alive?

"We don't fully leave," El whispered into my ear, then bent down next to Max.





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