Forty Four

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We discussed things a bit more while Lauren fell into a deep sleep. It wasn't long before Emma decided Lauren shouldn't lay on the gross ground anymore. She tried to move her, or pick her up, but she was too weak from the lack of food. We all were, none of us could pick her up. We didn't have the strength or energy. Then Olivia asked if she could try, and I rolled my eyes.

"Olivia, what makes you think you can do it?" I asked, and she glared at me.

"She can do it, let her," Adrianna spoke up, making me step back. It's clear that Adrianna will always be right, so I don't want to cross her.

Olivia stepped forward and put one arm under Lauren's back, the other under her knees. She then lifted, and it seemed to be as easy as can be. She picked Lauren up as if she's as light as a feather, scaring all of us half to death. Including Olivia, who looked over at Emma with scared eyes.

"Just put Lauren on the bed, then we can talk," she told her, and Olivia hurried over to the few beds we have. It was so weird watching a ten-year-old carry a fourteen-year-old. When she ran back over, everyone was in shock. Well, everyone except Adrianna.

"That's awesome! You have superhuman strength, Oli!" Adrianna cheered, and everyone else was still in shock. How do you respond to that?

"Oh god, I need to sit down," I breathed out, my head starting to hurt. I think this is just too much excitement for me. I walked over to the remaining beds, and took a seat on one slowly. Emma walked over to me, asking if I'm ok. "Yeah, I'm ok." I nodded sluggishly, putting my head in my hands. I soon felt liquid hitting my legs, making me open my eyes a bit.

There was blood dripping onto my legs, coming from my nose, but I couldn't be bothered. I feel like all of my energy was just sucked out of me, and I can barely keep my eyes open. I slowly closed them, but I didn't pass out like last time.

"What's happening?" I heard Emma yell, and slowly started seeing a different image in my own eyes.

"She's having a vision, let her be," I heard Adrianna speak up loudly, and then I heard nothing else.


I wasn't myself anymore, but I wasn't anyone else. I was once again observing.

Not much was happening. I see Mike, he's crying. He's with other people, and I assume it's his family. I saw a woman, a man, and a teenage girl. They were all crying, actually, and I got a deep feeling of sadness.

I don't know what's going on, they're all just sitting there, crying. Doing nothing else. There's no one else around, just them.

I looked around a bit more, and saw a family photo sitting on the table. It was of this family, but with one extra person.

Where's the little girl?

✓ The Games We Play ⇔ Mileven {2nd - "Wake Up, Mike" Trilogy}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora