Twenty Two

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Finally some insight into Dax. It's well overdue.
SORRY I WAS ABSENT ALL DAY, GUYS! I slept until three in the afternoon(I do online school) and then I was getting distracted by stuff.
Very important and exciting chapter, though! Enjoy💝

edit, 6-20-19: omg look at fetus Sadie uwu. Also Max(my Max) is still the best OC I've ever made. Period.


Mike is getting on my nerves, Lucas is getting on my nerves, Will is getting on my nerves. Why can't I just get along with them anymore? They seem to think Max is some super villain, but she's not. She's just their friend, and she'd be helping if her parents would let her. She's on our side, she's not evil.

Mike is just weirded out because Max brought up his problem. Sure, it was a bit weird how she immediately knew, but she's explained it to me. Her best friend from her old town used to do the same thing, so she knows the signs. She was just worried about him, and she said it at a bad time and in a weird way. We all do that sometimes, you can't blame her. I don't get why everyone insists on hating her before they give her a chance.

We just left the station, and Lucas is being silent. So am I, to be completely honest. I'm not in the mood to get into another fight. Mike is being kinda quiet, but he's talking with Will, who can't seem to shut up. Mike got home first, and Will finally went silent.

"So Will, when were you gonna tell us?" Lucas randomly spoke up, making my eyes widen. Did he just drop that bomb?

"What?" Will stuttered out, his bike swerving a bit. Lucas chuckled at that, slowing his bike down a bit so Will could catch up.

"C'mon, did you think we wouldn't notice?" He raised his eyebrows, then began to imitate Will. "'I drew this picture of you, Mike' 'I call every day, Mike' 'I spent all day with you yesterday, and I look at you like you're a superhero.'" I laughed a bit at his imitation, but Will was just blushing scarlet red.

"I'm not like that, and please don't talk about it like it's normal. I know you think I'm weird," he mumbled out shyly, and I stopped my bike quickly. We were at Lucas's street, anyway.

"Will, we don't think it's weird. Sure, not normal, but when have we ever been normal? If you like guys, that's fine." I shrugged, and Lucas agreed immediately. Will shook his head, frowning.

"I like both. I've always thought girls were cute, but recently I started to notice how guys are also cute. And Mike just...he made me realize that I like both. I don't know how, but he did," he mumbled with red cheeks, looking at the ground.

"How long have you liked him, really?" I asked slowly, scared to hear the answer. He continued to look at the ground, frowning even more.

"A long, long time," he breathed out, then glanced at Lucas before pedaling forward. I looked at Lucas with worried eyes, then waved at him and rushed to catch up with Will. Once I did catch up, I didn't say anything. I just rode silently, letting him think. We reached my house and he waved goodbye, taking off down the road. I don't blame him, it's getting dark.

I started to ride up my driveway, then looked up and saw Max sitting on my porch. She smiled at me, her nose scrunching up a bit.  She was sitting cross-legged in her bright blue coat, her hair braided on both sides. She stood up swiftly, walking over to me.

"Hey, I just thought we could talk. Wanna go in the back?" she asked, her smile still apparent. I nodded, leading her into my backyard. I have a tree house back here that I don't go in anymore, but it's nice and private. We've been up there before, it's usually where we sit and talk.

"So, what's up?" I asked with a wide smile, and she looked at me with troubled eyes.

"Your friends really don't like me. I know I shouldn't care, but I want them to like me. I feel like you're choosing me over your friends, and I don't like that." She got straight to the point and shook her head, looking down at her hands. They were covered in white gloves, and I honestly found them adorable.

I scooted closer to her, suddenly laying down on the floor. She gave me a fond smile before laying down as well, next to me.

"I think they just need to find the people they care about before they can focus on getting to know you. Mike lost Eleven, and I really can't imagine how that feels. I've never seen a connection like theirs, so I understand why his mind is occupied. Lucas wants to find Erin, I'm not sure why. And Will is going through some personal stuff. They'll like you once all this craziness is over," I explained, and she nodded with a sad expression. I thought I saw guilt somewhere in there, but I ignored it. I'm probably wrong.

"And if they don't?" She whispered, looking up into my eyes. I smiled a bit, turning to look at the ceiling.

"You know, one summer, the ice cream truck was going by, right?" I started, and she smiled wide, nodding. "Well, I heard the song, and I just had to have that ice cream. So I asked my mom for money, but she took forever. By the time I was outside, the truck was near Mike's house. I was determined, considering it's ice cream, so I ran for it. I got there, and I saw Lucas and Mike standing next to the truck, eating their ice cream. I got my ice cream, and then Will randomly showed up and got his own.

"Mike made the ice cream truck stay at his house for a full ten minutes, because he knew Lucas, Will, and I would show up," I finished, looking down at her. She had a small, thoughtful smile playing on her lips. "That may not seem like much, but it really is. They're all really great people, and they love making friends. They're just occupied."

"Thank you, Dustin, that made me feel better," she spoke quietly, still looking at me with sparkly eyes. "Mike seems like a really great guy, it sucks that Eleven was taken away from him," she breathed out, her eyes now zoning out and clouded over.

"Hey, you ok?" I immediately rushed out, and she blinked a few times, looking back over at me.

"Yeah, I'm ok, just really tired. I should get home, it's almost dark." She smiled at me, and I nodded a bit. I walked her back to the front yard, and watched her walk home. She's three houses down, on the other side of the road, so it makes things easier. I still make sure she gets home safe, though, I want to be sure.

If anything really bad ever happens to her, I don't know what I'll do.


Be 100% honest:
Who developed a small soft spot for Max during this chapter?? I know I did.

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