Twenty Three

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Reminder: Italics mean it's a dream🖤

edit, 6-20-19: Oh hype y'all it's one of my favorite chapters !! One of my best Mike(and Nancy as well) moments. 100%.


I got home before Nancy, but she was right behind me.

"Mike, you need to talk to me, ok?" She started, but I ignored her and started walking up the stairs. If Jonathan told her anything about me, I'm pretty sure this is my last day of freedom. "Really, Mike, it's about Will."

"I don't need to talk to you about Will," I stated simply, continuing to walk up the stairs. She chased after me, following me into my bedroom. I sighed, plopping down on my bed as she continued on.

"Mike, it's important. You need to listen to me, we need to fix this. He'll fall apart if we don't," she was speaking frantically now, and she looked ready to cry. I just hummed, sounding uninterested. "Mike! You don't understand how important this is! You don't even know what's going on!" She was really frantic now. I rolled my eyes, standing up to face her.

"He likes me, right? And you're here to tell me that I'm making it worse, how I'm feeding into him. Right?" I talked over her, cutting her off completely. She looked at me with big eyes, not replying. "I'm not blind, Nancy, I see that he likes me and I see how I make him feel. And I know I'm gonna hurt him, but what do you expect me to do? Push him away, make him feel like shit? I can't do that, not to him or me. I just can't."

She had no reply still, she was just staring at me. I sat back down, feeling exhausted.

"So, you know, but you aren't gonna stop anything. Because it makes you feel better, he helps you feel better," she spoke slowly, and I nodded with closed eyes. "But you don't feel the same about him, do you?" she whispered, and I sighed again, squeezing my eyes shut.

"I don't know. I don't think I do, but I don't know. He makes me feel better just by being here, but I don't know if that actually means anything," I admitted, and it was silent again. I had nothing to say, and I guess she didn't either.

"I'll let you sleep, but please eat some breakfast in the morning," she sighed back, then left. Her saying that really did make me feel even more tired, and I fell asleep quickly.


It's dark as can be. It's probably around midnight, why am I in the forest? I don't remember coming here, I thought I was at home, asleep.

"Mike?" came a quiet voice from beside me, and I turned to see Will. He was looking at me with wide eyes, and he looked scared.

"Will? What's going on?" I asked in a frantic voice, walking closer. He grabbed my hand suddenly, which made another wave of shock course through me. He started running, pulling me through the trees. I almost fell multiple times, but he kept running. "Will, stop! Where are we going?"

"She's here, we have to go. She's in the woods with us," he rushed out, still trying to pull me along. I stopped, though, pulling my hand away from his.

"Who is? Will, you're scaring me," I spoke with a shaky voice, and he looked at me with the same scared eyes as before.

"It's Max, she's trying to hurt us," he rushed out, and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh, I'm not gonna hurt you," her voice came out of nowhere, and she was behind me. I spun around, facing a very different Max. Her entire aura was darker, and her smile was no longer pretty and sweet.

"Mike, let's go!" Will yelled from behind me now, but I couldn't find it in myself to move. She just looked at me with dark eyes, and I couldn't move.

"What's the rush, Will? Don't you like me?" she asked with a fake, sad expression. Then she grimaced. "You know Mike doesn't like you, right?" she sneered at me, and my face dropped. "He likes his precious little Eleven, she's all he thinks about."

"Stop talking about her," I spoke simply, and she smirked at me next.

"Mike thinks about her day in and day out. About how pretty she is, and about the things they'll do in the future. He loves her, not you." I turned around to talk to Will, but he wasn't there.


I turned around, and he was being held off the ground by seemingly nothing, but you could tell it was by the neck. I looked to the side, and I saw Max with her hand up in his direction. Similar to how El was when she was killing the Demogorgon, but it wasn't hurting Max. She looked unfazed as she turned to look at me.

"What are you doing? Let him go!" I yelled, but I didn't move any closer. She'd stop me anyway.

"I think not. You wanna play some games, Mike?" She asked with a malicious smirk, and that's when Will dropped to the ground, his eyes open wide and his body holding no sign of life. "Your move."


Max creeps me the fuck out...
Bringing the nightmares back, everyone, bigger and darker. Hope you enjoyed.

also real talk, you have to really be scared or get bad vibes from someone to have a nightmare like this about them. Like fr Max killed Will in Mike's nightmare. That's fucked up.

✓ The Games We Play ⇔ Mileven {2nd - "Wake Up, Mike" Trilogy}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz