Chapter 12

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Sasuke's POV

I could realize what time of the year it happened to be because of the white and fluffy flakes coming down from the sky at a somewhat harsh pace, sticking to the ground beneath me. The chilly breezes touched my pale skin and caused me to shiver, I wasn't really prepared for the winter weathers and I didn't really expect time to pass this soon. I was out and about on my mission to atone for my sins estimated about a month, and a conversation between random villages caused me to feel both shocked and guilty.

"Looks like we are having a white Christmas after all!" A male villager said, looking up at the cloudy morning sky.

"Why are you out here?! Don't you have a pregnant wife at home?! It's Christmas! Go enjoy it with the one you love!" Said the second villager.

"Yeah, you're right! I'll see you some other time! Merry Christmas!" Said the first villager cheerfully before running off.

Today happened to be December 25th, also known as Christmas. It was a cheerful joyful day families and friends would celebrate with each other, give gifts, and just be happy they have each other. I...left Naruto all alone for an exact month, and the fact that today is a holiday we can be celebrating together broke and shattered my heart.

"Naruto..." I mumbled his name aloud, looking down at the snowy ground. "I've been so awful to deserve someone so much better than me..." I said softly.

"You don't belong here, do you? You're from the Leaf, right?" The second villager from earlier asked, walking over to me.

"Yes, I am from the Hidden Leaf. Why do you a-" he cut me off at the end of my sentence.

"Don't you have family back at home?! You are awfully far away from the village and it's Christmas! Shouldn't you be home celebrating with them?!" He was trying to convince me to go home like he did to the other villager.

"My parents and older brother are dead..." I wasn't too sure why I even told an absolute stranger that piece of personal information, but I continued to ramble on. "I have a lover though, he's been waiting patiently for my return for exactly a month now.."

"So why don't you return?! You've been gone for a month, and on top of that it is one of the greatest holidays of the year! Come on, return to him!" His loud and obnoxious voice made me think of Naruto, letting out a small sigh.

"I am traveling around the world to complete a life long mission. You are a stranger, so you don't und-" Once again, I was cut off by him. 

"Is your mission really more important than your lover?! Do you gain happiness from going around the world doing whatever you're doing?! Remember, when you are in a romantic relatiomship, your lover comes before yourself! You put their life and happiness in front of your own!" He shouted.

My eyes widened, looking off to the side. He was absolutely correct, I love Naruto with everything I got, I seriouly shouldn't be away from him for a month or longer. Well, next time I did promise he can come along with me, so I wouldn't really have to worry about him being alone then.

"Yes, I am aware..." I sighed, scratching the back of my head with my right hand.

I am still a bitch after all, huh? A random guy off the street was telling me what to do with my life, but his words were wise and of the truth.

"Then go!" The villager said with a wide smile. "He's waiting for you!"

Finally taking his words into consideration, I nodded my head and looked in the direction Konoha was at. "Alright, I'll go." Taking a few steps forward, I then turned my head to look back at the villager with a small smile. "Thanks, your words brought me to the truth." I said before running off, now on my way back to the Hidden Leaf Village

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