2: I Totally Forgot

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It's still around summer but the weather was cloudy and pending to be cold. Ben was getting ready for school when he stumbled on a history novel from history class. "Oh no I completely forgot" he mumbled to himself. He wasn't keyed into history class he always says Mr Harold speaks Greek. And at the last class he pretty much spent half of it sleeping which didn't bother Mr Harold because he didn't care if his students passed  or not all he cared about was his assignments for their grades which is pretty much the same.

He remembered he hadn't heard from Vega yesterday but he was just too tired from building up science projects and watching late night movies.  He reached for his cell phone and called his best friend. Ben may not care about history but he loved science. The dial sound stopped and Vega spoke "Hey bud wasup". Vega sounded shivered from the phone, maybe the cold was also getting to him.

Ben looked out the window and drops of water started to fall to the ground slowly. "Hey yeah how you doing, you weren't at church  yesterday and you didn't answer your text on whatsapp. What happened bro?" Ben shoved the history book into his school bag.

"Yeah I had this vicious headache weathering my brain into bells."

Ben could hear his best friend breathe loud, Vega really hated the cold. "Let me guess you watched Hanky Brain Eaters or Goosebumps."

"No I was up all night drinking instant coffee and developing science projects and summarizing 698 pages full of a boring historical nobody" Vega sounded regretful.

"And about History I totally forgot to read about Caesar. Mr Harold is definitely giving me an F" Ben packed and ran down the stairs.

"Don't worry the deadline is not until tomorrow" Vega sounded assuring.

"I still can't study a novel that long within a day with other schedules during the day"

"We'll study this night"

"You know I can't, am not you or or or Tessa Ming" Ben pictured Tessa reading even as she slept. Tessa was a nerd, loved anything written and could read for a whole day and whole night, She often had bags under her eyes which deflated her beauty.

"It's the coffee that helped me or should I say kept banging my head viciously with headaches."

"Well maybe I'll copy your notes stylishly" Ben pulled the umbrella over his head and stepped out his home.

There was no answer from Vega, the rain would have made him run for cover or he had to pull out his umbrella. There were swooshing sounds from the receivers end.

"Vega you still there?" Ben pulled the phone from his ear to check if the call was still on. It was.

Finally Vega spoke this time panting "hey, will talk about this in school right  now I have to take cover at the bus pick up spot."

The clouds were surely releasing water on Vega and he was going to be all wet in school. Ben put away his phone to his pocket and spotted a bus.

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