18: Chaos.

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“Look Ben, Tessa really likes you, you should give her a chance.” Vega said as they both walked to the Hart's garage to get Vega's bike.

“I know, but am shy about it. I don't know how to ask her.” Ben sighed and he pulled off the dusty cloth cover off the bike.

They coughed waving away the dust that spread out as Ben pulled off the dusty spread cover.
“Look find that courage and just ask her, you know her answer will be yes, so why are you freaking out about it.” Vega wore his helmet handing the other one to Ben.

“Yeah, you're right.” Ben wore on the other helmet and then sat on the bike behind Vega.
“What about Taylor, you goin ask her?” Ben asked.

“Yeah Man, today!” Vega sounded cheerful from the hoarse voice coming from underneath his helmet.

“Today? But what about Skylar?” Ben looked surprised that Vega was finally summing up courage to ask Taylor out without delay.

“Don't worry Ben, I've got that part covered.” Vega smirked under his glistening red helmet.
He revved the engine and he drove out into the estate road.

“Uhn?” Ben seemed lost. Skylar would definitely do some dealings to Vega if he found out that Vega is trying to hitch his girl.

At school Vega still had that radiant grin even after pulling off his helmet giving even Ben the chills that his best bud was up to something not good.
“Man, you sure look confident.” Ben said as they pushed the doors and walked into school.

“Yeah, I have a very good feeling about today.” Vega breathed.

Ben kept silent till they got to their lockers. “Mind filling me up on what's going on?” Ben finally asked after withdrawing his first period books into his bag.

Vega sighed and placed his hand on Ben's shoulder. “I wish I could, but I can't, at least not yet.”

Ben shrugged and left for class.
Vega followed.

At P.E class, Maggie picked a spot on the field behind Vega and Tess. “Hey guys.”

Vega nodded back and Tess pulled back to jog with Maggie.
“Hey, I know you don't like me, but can I have a chat with you?” Tess asked as they came to a stop.
“Sure, its not that I don't like you, it's just I was being dark Maggie.” she said after taking a sip from her water bottle. They all wore their various sport casuals. Maggie wore her cheer leader sports. “Is Vega avoiding me?”

“Vega? No, no he's not. He's just going through a lot of stuff and that's why he's like that.” Tess said as they watched the boys jog on round the field.

“Well our start off day for tutoring me is tomorrow and he barely says a thing to me.” Maggie squinted as she let her hair loose to block her eyes from the sun.

“Wow, okay maybe I'll go talk to him for you then.” Tess said waving back at Ben who was now trailing behind the other sophomore boys.

“Thanks.” Maggie said.

“You're welcome.”

“Well?” Maggie asked.


“Yes, now. I want to see you do it and still yet after P.E is student club activities so I expect to see results by then, so get at it.” Maggie blocked the sun with her palm and nodded her head.

“Yes Ma'am.” Tess saluted and ran off in her shorts and armless silk adidas sports.

Vega took a pause along with the other boys at the other end of the pitch. “So you asked her yet?” Vega turned to Ben who was gulping down all the water he could.

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