5: What a Temper you have

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The class was starting to settle in but Clarisse, the best History student still hadn't gotten there. He looked around for Maggie and neither could he find her. Maybe they bunked school for a party, but Clarisse, even if she was to bunk school she'd do it after history class.

Mr Harold cleared his throat. "So class I hope you've all got your summary down for me" His eyes wandered around the class. Ben was always slouching on his seat as usual or he'd just be sleeping on his desk as always. Oh how he hated that kid, made his classes sound lame like he spoke Greek all the time. Other kids like Taylor, Caleb, Vega, Skylar just took the class as it came, though their interest isn't in place but they loved keeping good grades.

"Let's start with you Ben, what I've you got in your summary for us?" He looked at Ben from under his spectacles.

Ben stood and was about to start reading when the class door opened.

"Clarisse, Maggie you are late. Wanna tell me what party you crashed in yesterday or the one you bunked  school for this morning" Mr Harold frowned. Clarisse's face shone with sadness but Maggie's eyes was still glued to her phone.

They both went over to their sits.

"Maggie am talking to you" Mr Harold folded his arms looking frustrated.

Maggie stood up and kept away her phone. "We never go to parties on Sunday cuz their lame, and parties that take place during the skies downpour on earth and in the morning are only giving out invites for teachers" Maggie smacked her lips with chewing gum.

The class let out a mid-laughter.

Now Mr Harold was tense. "What do you mean by the whole teacher thing?"

"I mean" she took her seat "we didn't go to no party, we were held in our homes because of the weather".

Mr Harold looked like he was about to throw up letting his anger showcase his big lips "Detention now" He yelled furiously pointing at the door.

Maggie shook her head, took her bag and stood up. "I was about using the door anyway" she smacked her lips with the gum and walked out.

Mr Harold cursed under his breath "everyone summit your summary on my table and leave now." He slammed the table. He couldn't believe how Maggie could talk rudely to him every class. He damn did want a transfer but the principal wouldn't give in to his complaints. "Maggie is a bright student" She, the principal would say "I don't see any reason for her to quit history". He didn't want Maggie out of history he just wanted her out to another class.

The class took notebooks of summary to his table and all left the class. They definitely was going to have an impromptu test for he always gave impromptu's whenever he was angry.

The class was now silent except from the thoughts in Mr Harold's mind which made think like he said them all out.

Ah Harold what a temper you have.

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