11: I'm Sorry.

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Vega had already put his things in his locker together with Ben and they were off out of the school when surprisingly Jeff showed up with a lacrosse stick and a group of pops at his back, of which some of them seemed not to be in accordance with the order.

"Vega or whatever snort name you call yourself, do you have any bit of manners?" Jeff said raising the stick and behind him were two girls struggling to hold down his arms.

"I do, I mean I don't see why I don't, in fact I should be the one asking the question with just the exception of my name with your name." Vega answered and turned to go.

"This is not good" Ben squeaked as he watched his muscle less best friend turn away from the football's team receiver.

"I want one thing clear Veg and I want it very clear, losers like you don't go around making hobnobs like us apologize to other losers like you." Jeff warned and Maggi shunned him.

"Stop it Jeff. Please." Maggie said trying not to drive her only one chance of a cute and not boring nerd to tutor her.

"Ok. I wouldn't do it again." Vega bluntly said.

Maggie frowned at his response okay? Ben sighed of relieve and walked after Vega but stopped as Vega stopped and turned back.

"If you would please excuse me, my locker is behind you, I forgot something." Vega told Maggie as he walked by her to his locker.

"Now that's what I like to hear, you stay your place." Jeff smiled as he watched Vega walk to his locker.

"Yes of course, but what about your pups, they should really stay their place cuz sometimes the prey can also pick on the young ones of the predator." Vega said and Maggie could not help but smile at his arrogance and foolishness referring to her as the young ones.

"Is that a threat?" Jeff asked clenching his fist tight.

"Easy there big guy, my friends just messing with ya...." Ben squeezed those words out of his mind.

"Just chill Jeff." Claire warned.

"I don't think so, I mean what do you care. Your football's team motto says the wolf doesn't think hard on the opinions of the wolf, ain't that right tough gun." Vega provoked as he locked off his locker.

"It does say that." Maggie muttered.

"You know what, this piece of garbage is going home with a scar today." Jeff raged and he advanced.

Ben not knowing if its cowardly or bravely reluctantly ran to Vega's front so the next fist that flew didn't hit Vega.

"Stop Jeff, I've had enough!" Claire yelled as Jeff's fist flew almost cross hitching Ben in the jaw.

"Cmon let's go cool down, at Maggie's house, me and you get a room alone and Maggie's folks aren't home yet." Claire urged with a seducing flare.

Jeff could not resist the thought of being finally able to f**k Clarisse.

"Ok fine, but let's be clear nerd boy, I don't want to see you around any of my peeps unless you wanna get a red or purple eyelid for a change." Jeff said walking away.

Maggie stayed while the others followed Jeff. "Uh, didn't you just hear what papa bear said? why are you still here." Vega said now watching them as they go.

"Am glad Claire saved us and all but could she have kept the slithering business away from my ears because right now, I'd prefer that punch than to imagine her in bed with that dufus." Ben hissed.

"Well Jeff's not the boss of me and he knows it, he just came looking for trouble. Well here it comes, am sorry about what just happened." Maggie pleaded now sober.

"Oh so I see all this papa bear's talk about manners has gotten to you." Vega teased and he started walking down the hallway with the other crowds of students immediately the bell rang.

"Stop joking about everything bullhead, am serious now. Am even ready to apologize to Tess." Maggie said following him and keeping an eye out for Tessa.

"Bullhead? you fancy the name for me? its the second time now. Little wolf you are being stubborn papa said not to say sorry unless its a lion." Vega smiled as Ben chuckled when they almost got out the school.

"Ahh, do you have to be such a loser? am losing my mind already. Where in the fucking hell is Tessa!" Maggie yelled as she pulled at her hair.

"If you don't take care, your mind's not the only thing you'll be losing, your hair'd be gone too" Vega said and they both burst into laughter.

"Tess! over here," Maggie called up Tessa as soon as she caught sight of her red hair in the dispersing crowds.

She darn hated Irish's with their damn hair.

"Hey hi Maggie." Tess answered as she came to a halt in front of Maggie Holt.

"Hi Tess, I just wanted to tell you that I am really sorry about what happened in class today, do you forgive me?" she sighed asking the question.

"Yeah sure no big deal." Tessa responded with her eyes all caught up on Ben still goofing laughs about Maggie with his friend Vega.

"Yay thanks, now run along." Maggie faked a smile.

"Satisfied?" Maggie turned to Vega not smiling.

"Um, not quite. It'd been a rough day, you know what, go home rumble with your bed and I will with mine thinking hard if I should tutor one of papa's pups." Vega laughed mocking her.

"So that's it? what gives anyway, take your nerd squad and leave my sight." Maggie stormed angrily.

"No kidding, you heard the lady nerd squad, let's leave the presence of the pup before the paps comes along." Vega said as they all turned away from Maggie and continued out the door, Tessa followed.

"Ahhh! Vega! Veg! Veggie! Vegetables!" Maggie called out in anger.

"Oops, that pup grows fast, better hurry." Vega joked on as three of them came out the school.

"Thanks for doing that for me Vega, really appreciate it." Tess said turning to look at both boys but kept gazing on the less witted, less gorgeous, less fitted one, Ben.

Tessa's gaze was beginning to grow awkward, even for the boy that was being gazed at and the one in the middle.

"Actually it was Ben's idea about the whole apologizing part. He really thinks you are smart and pretty." Vega stopped the awkwardness by placing the conversation on Ben's nose. He nudged at Ben's arm.

"Ow!" Ben cried but then smiled and took on the pre stated lines. "Yes I was the one who asked him to do that for me, so we can meet up like this and talk." Ben said half smiling.

"Really?" Tessa sounded excited and Vega totally got the time for him to back this weird duo and watch out for other sneak peaks.

"Yeah really." Ben smiled. "We'll be seeing tomorrow then." Ben said and Tessa agreed almost skipping off making her well packed ponytail flip as she skipped.

"What'd you do that for?" Ben asked turning back to Vega.

"Well you said you thinks she likes you and you needed off Claire, so there you have it." Vega smiled. Match made.

"Well I do think she is smart but beautiful? no I never think that." Ben huffed and they both walked to their bus.

"Well just this afternoon, just before lunch, you called her beautiful." Vega argued as they got on the bus.

"No I didn't, that was just a joke, I was joking man, it was just an expression." Ben frowned as the only seat free was near the old nanny with a drooling baby and neither of them would take it.

"Just an expression, huh?" Vega held on to the standing bars on the roof as the bus started to move.

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