3: Impossible Crush

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The cold was getting to Vega and he was all wet but he hadn't time to go home, change and double his hoody and jacket unless he was going to skip home room. The bus point was empty and there wasn't any bus but he stood there shivering under the bus stop shed. How foolish he was not to predict the weather to be this bad after yesterday's headache. A car was approaching, he wanted to wave so the car could take him but he wasn't a lady that a man would see and want to take to bed immediately. Boys didn't have that power that girls had to stop a car driven by a man during bad weathers. The car looked familiar from afar but as it drew nearer he could see his mom in her convertible S5 only this time the top and the sides were covered. Mrs Hart loved her convertible opened up so she could be free with the wind.

The car slowed down then it stopped. Vega knew his mum's workplace was the other way but maybe she is going back home.

"Hey Vega come in don't just stand in the rain like that" She waved her hands to signal him in.

'I am not standing in the rain am under a shed' he hopped in. "Hey mom you going home?" water splashed in as he closed the car door.

"Yeah I forgot to take my report of Saturday's events and I've got this meeting with my reporters. And you will have to skip homeroom cuz I am taking you back home to change and double your jackets" his mum started the engine again and the car moved on.

"Yeah just what I was thinking" he nodded.


Ben was standing by his locker when Vega saw him. Ben who was gazing at the history book now turned and saw him. "Where have you been? class is about to start." he sounded tense.

"Had to change, the downpour left me wearing soaks." Vega now opened his locker pulling out a book.

Ben gave him a wandering look "yeah and you doubled your jacket. Well you are wrong the deadline isn't Tomorrow it's today" his eyes were shaking in their socket as he spoke.

"is it?"

"It's not funny alright and Clarisse would never acknowledge me if I got an F in history."

"Seriously? what does Clarisse care about grades not to even mention your grades." Vega locked his locker.

"No it's not a about the other grades it's about history grades, she loves history. And am thinking if we could be paired together in one of those summary books I can make her finally like me." Ben adjusted his back against the locker.

"Not date you? " Vega raised an eyebrow.

"We'll start from somewhere at least, just for her to like like me. " Ben sighed.

'In your dreams' Vega shook his head at his thoughts "yeah, you know that's not possible she's got a lot of BF's who would probably pick on you and her friends hate you plus Clarisse doesn't even like you, at all, I don't think she ever wants to be paired with you" 'or even date you' Vega looked at Ben's sulky face and regretted he ever spoke a word about Clarisse. "Look am sorry, it's just that that's the truth"

"No offense taken there but it is true so yeah the truth stinks"

The bell rang

Ben pulled his crouched body from the locker and began to walk to class.

"Hey Ben, wait, the history book" Vega waved a book in which on the front cover was a man wearing outfits from the 50's and looked quite like the 60's.

Ben turned around and grab the book "thanks, and no thanks for the truth".


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