15: Vega's Rage

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Vega arrived school early and he headed for his home run class but he had a glimpse of a couple at it again but with familiar faces. He stepped back and saw it was Taylor and Skylar.
He ran too his home run class and screamed which echoed into the hallway.

Taylor and Skylar came running. “Hey what's up?” Taylor asked.
“Then why'd you scream?”
“Just hit my leg that's all.” he said noticing Skylar watch him suspiciously.
“Oh gosh! You scared us.”
“I wasn't scared.” Skylar said.
“Cmon let's head back.” Taylor held his hand and they both walked out.
Vega got up to the window and watch them kiss as they went. He closed the classroom door and punched the wall holding in his scream.

At home run Vega was impatient and he couldn't take things off his mind cuz Skylar had to be on the same home run and he talked about nothing but how he got to touch her pants and private parts.
“I promise you by next week she'd be begging me for a baby.” he joked to the other jocks present there.
Why did he have to sit beside his nemesis. He was feeling uncomfortable. It was Monday and he already has hopes up for a baby request next week. 
“Sir please can I be excused?” he asked Mr Dalton their home run teacher.
“Sure Hart, help yourself” he gestured to the door.

“Your legs still hurting?” Skylar asked.
“Yeah I think.” he said standing to leave.
“This is the reasons we don't take in wimps to the b-ball team.” Skylar said and they all laughed, the jocks.

“Yeah whatever” Vega mumbled and left. He raged into the men's restroom and yelled, “Fuck him!”
“Fuck him! Fuck him! Fuck him!”
“Fuck who?” a boy came out of one of the toilets. He seemed younger by a year or two. Vega kept silence observing this guy's red hair.

“Yeah my name's Jason. Am a freshman here. Nice to meet you” he held out a handshake.
“Did you wash those hands, Jason?” Vega asked him.
“Oh yeah sorry I completely forgot.” he opened up the tap and pressed some hand wash soap to his hand and took a look at Vega and continued.
Vega watched silently. He washed his hands then dried it with a disposable handkerchief.

He then put out his hands to shake. Vega gestured back by pocketing both hands. “Not a shaker” he said.
“Oh okay. To be frank I wasn't using the toilet I was just crying over a girl that I like and she doesn't like me back. You know what I mean, Ok forget that you stopped my crying with Fuck him. My question still stays, Fuck who?” Jason asked.

“None of your business freshman I'll be leaving now.” Vega smiled.
“Wait where are my manners, am not supposed to talk to a sophomore this way.”
Vega turned his back to him still pocketed. “How then should you speak to me?” he asked.
“With respect” Jason sighed.
“I don't need your respect. It doesn't count.” Vega said and left.

He returned back to home run and the bell rang. He took his backpack and walked out with the others ignoring the jocks jokes and jesters.
He walked to his locker and Maggie came to him.
“Hey Bullhead, what you doing?” she asked.
She was in her cheer leading outfit. “Nothing and don't call me that again.” he threw in his books with force.
“Ok so about our tutor timetable. I planned about it and I thought we should start off in the coffee shop and have coffee with it.” Maggie suggested.
“Are you stylishly asking me out?” he frowned at her.
“Well I didn't say that but if you think so then yes.”
“Fuck it! That's it! Am done! You know what fuck you and dates. I ain't going nowhere with you.” Vega dropped his bag to the floor attracting students to them.
“Oh is this about the kiss. No I don't fucking give a damn! Just because I don't push you away doesn't mean I have a thing for you. Get that in your head sucker!”
“Then why did you let it happen?” she asked.
“Why? Fuck it cuz I wasn't happy with the way I treated you before so I let it happen. That's why!” most students were now watching as Maggie started crying.

High SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora