4: Clarisse

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The weather was unfavorable and her sister had the menstrual cramp. It was Monday and they had history that morning. Clarisse hated missing History classes cuz she'd always love to read and talk about people that made history. She wanted to be an historian that will make the history of all times that generations to come would talk about often. Clarisse's mum was out already and her dad loved sleeping and got mad if woken up. She had no means of getting out except walking and the weather was bad plus she couldn't be seen walking out in the rain, she was to popular to be doing that.

Clarisse picked up her phone and tried calling her boyfriend Jeff. While the dialer was on Clarisse bit her lip remembering they fought at a party the day before. She had seen him clutching his arms to another girls butt. The call rang and stopped, he didn't pick up. Maybe he was still angry or maybe he's at school sticking his tongue into another girls throat. Clarisse had suspicions that Jeff was definitely cheating on her cuz Maggie had caught him a few times and told her about it. And he often skipped dates and he ditches her in the middle of dates which he just started recently.

Jeff was the receiver for the football team at school, he was handsome and muscular. His smirk threw Clarisse to Mars, his hair made him look gorgeous. There was no doubt that if he asked a girl out on a date they would say yes without hesitation and immediately they are back from whatever world Jeff's charm took them to. But still Jeff was all just after the body of the girl and not the feelings and Clarisse knew it but she still said "yes".

Ah how could she be so vulnerable to his charms that they made out on his bedroom couch the week before. He could have said the "break her heart" words but she didn't let him get to her body's treasure. Although how much she knew all this she just couldn't break the relationship before he broke her heart.

She thought of other people he'd run after next for their virginity and not their love. She'd thought of the "hurting" words he'd say today after yesterday's fight. She gulped hard.

She shook off her thoughts as the rain returned to drizzling dew. "Maggie could pick me up" she mumbled to herself. She took her cellphone and dialed Maggie.

The call ended as soon as Maggie told her she'd be on her way. Then she got engulfed in her thoughts again 'if Jeff should leave me who will I date? how would I cry? will I miss him? will I be jealous of his new date? of course not. But if he does I'd hook up with Skylar and make Jeff jealous'. Clarisse knew she would be jealous of Jeff if he had a hotter lady by his side but if she tried Skylar he would be jealous about the fact that he wasn't in her hole yet before he gave her off.

Skylar was on the basketball team and was more muscular than Jeff but Jeff still gave her shocks with his gorgeous looks and static electricity when their eyes met. Skylar also had girls on him but he was real and not like Jeff. And Skylar had other girls he had his eyes on and she wasn't one of them so she was probably not his type. Or maybe she was but he kept away from her cuz she was dating Jeff.

She was knocked out of her thoughts when she had a horn out her home. Maggie was probably here already, she looked at the window and saw Maggie's pink Ford out at the parking space.

She ran downstairs and out the door, Maggie was at the back seat heads down and giggling. Probably one of her new "it's a secret" boyfriends.

"Cmon girl hop in don't just stand there" Maggie waved Clarisse in.

"Are we late?, for history "

"Yep and we better get there fast before it's too late"

The car's engine revved and the car sped off the estateon the road.

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