7: Tessa Ming

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She woke up and let out a Loud yawn. It's morning already, she was up late all night reading for the upcoming history test.

Tessa has always been a bookworm since middle school. Since the popular kids then at school never acknowledged her she had to settle with the books, it wasn't only the cool kids but everyone made jest of her braces at that time. Although she was a beautiful girl she didn't just know how to showcase her beauty. The preps called her ugly, the jocks called her unfit, the artist called her lame, but the nerds called her a genius.

Tessa all decided to stick with the nerds which she got to much addicted to and she became a high level nerd in which all she does was read. In high school Tessa had not many friends for she was u kept and carried away by her addiction with her books. She always topped her classes all her classes and had few friends that didn't last long.

Now she was a senior, first year. All other girls had boyfriends but she hadn't one boy as a friend. The only time she got to speak with boys was when they had projects to talk about.

Now she wanted to love something other than books, a friend, a boy, a girl. She wanted to have relationships with boys like other girls did. Even though her mates had boyfriends at junior level she didn't care about a boy then but now she felt like something was missing in her. A friend.

She had just had her bath and came out the bathroom and to her mirror. Her body was beautiful, it had the perfect figure of 8.

She was beautiful on her face but had bags hanging under her eyes.

She knew if she was definitely going to change her life she was going to shame her look. She got seated and brought out a makeup set her mum had gotten for her but she had never opened.

She made herself up and she was looking more gorgeous than ever.

The scent of the cream, perfume and powder gave out a beautiful scent that made her wince.

She was ready for school and also for any test and she was ready to test her look.

Though she never really liked any boy until senior year but it seems like she has been having these secret feeling in her since junior school about her new found crush, Ben Lancelot.

He was the perfect on to start with but she knew it was going to be hard to make him like her for he already had eyes on Clarisse Mendy. Claire never even looked at Ben she only ran after hotter boys that she'd later be on the edge of her virginity with. Claire always looked for ways to seduce boys and she hated Tessa cuz this one time in junior when Tessa accidentally spilled Claire's peppermint smoothie all over her while outrageously cramming for an English test. But the did was done and Claire retaliated by buying another smoothie and spilling it on Tessa's hair despite Tessa's pleas that it was a mistake. And ever since then Claire never wanted anything to do with Tessa which Tessa was confused at first as to why Claire was like that for she had done her worse back that day, but then realized that that night Cole, Claire's crush at the time was watching which made Cole hate Claire cuz Cole liked Tessa but Tessa never acknowledged Cole as she never did with any boy then.

But today, it was all going to change.

She put on her glasses and smiled.
Here we go.

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