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Clarisse got home and laid on the bed all day thinking. Skylar, did he also have a thing for her as Maggie said? Does he even love Taylor? Well he has to have after they both made out in the toilet like that. Or he is just like the rest of the bad boys playing with her heart? Vega was really pissed off at seeing them like that. I think if I can work with him I might be able to get Skylar. Right?
But how? Ah fuck! Am going crazy. But if we do that Maggie wouldn't have a chance with Vega. Oh! What am I doing? What about Jeff? What am I to say to him. Would he even let me go? Well he has to, he's a cheater.
Ok yeah! Maggie was right I had to much to drink. Clear your head Clarisse. Let's be fair here. First we handle Jeff then Skylar but Taylor and I might never be friends again. Well I ain't losing. Ah! The devil herself, clear your head Clarisse.

Maggie sat helplessly tired on her couch sofa remembering details of the day. Ah! Am so regretful now. What was I thinking jumping into a date decision like that. But my confusion still stays at the kiss. Did he really not want to push me away? Okay but foes he also have a thing for me? That can't be, he was so heartbroken after he got to see Skylar and Taylor make out. Ah! I should have never said anything about Taylor, I sat there and said lovely things about her and not myself. Am so stupid? And the after party, I had only Tobie to dance with and he couldn't even dance, just kept stepping at my priceless shoes. (She groaned.). Today was crap! I should have never been there right? Yes I should have been stubborn to Claire and tell her I don't give a fuck! But do I really don't? Ash! I've got new rules then! Try and bug him but don't ask him for a date, he gets mad. Oh! And if anything I plan don't happen, if I run into him I ain't getting over him. Oh Gosh! What am I saying.

Tess slipped into her home checking if her parents were sleeping and they surely where. The pillow arrangement to form what looks like her inverted and sleeping still stood so she was safe. She got on the bed and reminiscences. Ben might not remember our kiss, Vega's right. I wish he doesn't. Maybe we could both be in a relationship right? Ah fuck me! I should have layed him about three slaps to awaken his neurone and numb his drunkiness. Right? For a minute or two. I wish he remembers us. Worst case scenario if he thinks am Clarisse.
Well lucky for me I always have worst case scenarios so this one won't hurt me that much. I pray so.

Taylor climbed back into her room along with Sky and they made out nothing more. She claimed she was tired. She wasn't ready for sex yet so there you have it. At dawn she woke up and Skylar was sound asleep.
She went back to the day before and thought. Clarisse is a threat right? She must be. I saw the way they both looked at each other.
I know I might be overreacting but am not letting go of Skylar all right. If she crosses me she be on paper with a red ink and I know just the person that can deal with her. Blossom. Vega sang and it was amazing yes but he disappeared minutes later. He and Maggie look so cute together but he doesn't like like her like she does him, I can see it. But Vega already told me he had a crush on a gorgeous black-haired female. And clearly it corresponds to Maggie. Woah not so fast, there are so many black-haired female at school after all I am one. Well I hope too soon find out who the gorgeous girl is. And about Clarisse. I'll start keeping tabs on her. I threw a party do I have approval from the cheer girls as co-captain they'll help me and I swear it if I see that slot anywhere around my Sky. I'll make her life miserable.

Cheryl Blossoms walked in and her mother flicked the light switch “Where have you been?”
“None of your business” she said rudely to her mother whom she hate and lived alone with.
“Cheryl am still your mother. You should still answer to me.”
“Oh really. I shouldn't even call you mother. Now if you'll excuse me this redhead's going to have a shower.”
She walked out and to the room, minutes later she got into the shower. And you know the drill.
I thought that Claire girl was a slot but now I see she's worse. But I promise if she crosses the line she'll pay. I would keep Sky and her in my mind for now. I wouldn't want to rush the food chain now would I?
Wait till word gets to Taylor cuz I surely wasn't the only cheerleader watching. Oh and Maggie, sometimes I wonder if she can really cheer or she just yells at the boys, but either way I don't care if she turns up late for practice by home run then she's out of the team. Taylor the sprinter I  acknowledge her stay in the squad but the idea of being co-captain reeks me. I'll wait for this ruckus to happen first and we deal with Claire then she's off co-captain and mysteriously co-captain titles don't exist anymore only the captain, me. Till I leave for college next year we all know the squad is nothing without me so I'll see how they fair when am gone. Oh Cheryl you her the devil her self. Mother I hate, she asks death!


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Next chapter let's people see the raged Vega but does he get away with this rage without punishment?

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