13: The Party

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Maggie Holt so made up that her cherry lipstick starts melting.
“Girl you must really like like this guy. Look at you.” Clarisse smiled in damsel's outfit.

“I know I look horrible.” Maggie scoffed.
“No girl you look so sexy. Yes sexy as ever” Maggie said.
“You think so?”
“Uhnuhn.” Clarisse said.
“Thanks. That's why I chose you as best.”
“Yes! Now go make mama proud. Gorgeous!”

They both walked out and into Clarisse dad's Ford.
“Buckle up. This baby's fast.” Clarisse smiled.
Maggie held fast, and buckled up.
“Woah!” Maggie screamed as the car moved.
“Warned you” Clarisse giggled.

At the party the guest stars were all ready seated and ready for a party. As always athlete Taylor was looking gorgeous on her jeans and blouse with a motorbike jacket. Where is he? Maggie thought as she scaled the field.
Cheryl was flirting has always with the seniors.
Taylor was at it again with her sweetheart, Skylar. But I think Clarisse has a thing for him.

“So you see our sexy girls pride yet?”
“No, I told you he's not coming. Its all a waste.” Maggie complained.
“Keep that lipstick on. You might still need it for kissing.” Clarisse said.
Oh sweethearts. I wonder where mine decided to spend the night. Clarisse thought.
“Ok let's ask the organizers. Hey Taylor how's it going?” Clarisse approached the couple.
”Hey you made it. Am so happy.” Taylor smiled.
“Hey Tay. Any chance you've seen my tutor around somewhere?” Maggie asked.
“Hey Maggie. How are you. Oh you mean bullhead? Oh he's coming with his friends two of em' Ben and Maggie.”

“Oh Ok. Thank God. I was hoping I could show him my math schedule.”
“Has he agreed? I know he's a stubborn fool but he will.”
“I pray he does. Maths isn't looking well for me.”
During this converse a glare was going on between Skylar and Clarisse.

With a soda in his hand I could see he was lost and the soda was slipping off his palms.
“Em hello Mars to Sky, your soda's sliding off.” Skylar readjusted his gaze to Taylor but Clarisse keeps her eyes fixed on him.

“Uhmuhm.” I cleared my throat.
“Priority finding Bullhead remember not hitting on hot guy.”

Clarisse smiled and turned back to her best friend. “Can you please not say that in front of the lover.” Clarisse raised her eyebrows.
“Sorry. I figured Jupiter was getting colder now. Wouldn't want my best friends brain iced.”

“Anyway thanks it was getting awkward.” Clarisse sighed.
“I think he likes you too he just can't show it cuz Taylor's here.” Maggie smiled.
“Why do I get the feeling he's staring at me now?” Clarisse asked.
“That's because he is specially your ass!” Maggie chuckled.
Clarisse turned back and notices his dreamy eyes. “What are you staring at?” 
“Nothing just admiring.” Skylar smiled.
“You do know you have to stare before you admire.”
“Ok you caught me you have lovely hands. Can I kiss em'”
Maggie nudged her. “Go for it.”
“Sure” she said as soon as Taylor was out of sight.
“K”  he knelt down to the grass and held out her hand and kissed it.
“Wow” “You just literally did that.”
“Wasn't joking about it” Skylar said now on his feet.
“Ok”. “First of all that was awesome what you did.”

“Well well what do we have here my two princesses along with prince charming. How interesting.” Blossom raided the party.

“Well I'll catch you later gotta be with Tay and the guys.”
“Yeah bye” Maggie added.
“Bye.” and Skylar walked away.

“Oh Cherry. What's your problem. Okay first of all I ain't one of your squad so I ain't your princess. So you better keep your glossed mouth closed.” Clarisse said.
“Oh you mean tell on you? You know I could never do that. I just want you to know that the truth will spread to Tay and believe me she wouldn't like it.”

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